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Обратная связь

The Belarusian-Chinese Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence has been Opened in China 12.03.2025 The Belarusian-Chinese Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence has been Opened in China
From February 23 to March 1, 2025, a delegation of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy was visiting Tai'an, Shandong Province in the People's Re-public of China. The inviting party was the group of companies Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd., whose representatives visited our academy in September 2024.

Vital things firsthand 06.03.2025 Vital things firsthand
On February, 26, 2025 the faculty of international relations and pre-university education organized a meeting with foreign students where specialists of the Gorki district department of internal affairs were invited to take part in.

An Excursion to the Belarusian Automobile Plant - a world-class Belarusian brand 14.02.2025 An Excursion to the Belarusian Automobile Plant - a world-class Belarusian brand
On February 12, students, postgraduates and teachers of the Faculty of Economics visited Zhodino with an excursion, where they had a chance to see the pride of the home automobile industry - the Belarusian Automobile Plant.

Participation of students of the Faculty of Economics in the VI International competition of students' research papers on economics 13.02.2025 Participation of students of the Faculty of Economics in the VI International competition of students' research papers on economics
For participation in the VI International Competition of Students' Research Papers in Economics, which was organized by the Progress Research D.M. Parmakli Center at Comrat State University (Republic of Moldova), the students of the Faculty of Economics studying in the speciality World Economics were awarded diplomas.

Young specialists 13.02.2025 Young specialists
This year, 53 graduates of land management faculty of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy has had a unique opportunity to choose their first job from more than 100 offers from the country's leading enterprises. This will allow them to successfully apply their knowledge in practice and confidently start a professional career.

A Visit of Chinese Partners to the Academy 27.11.2024 A Visit of Chinese Partners to the Academy
Throughout the past week, the academy hosted guests from the People's Republic of China. Our university was visited by a representative delegation of the Professional College of Business and Trade of Inner Mongolia, with which the academy has a cooperation agreement.

Higher School 29.10.2024 Higher School
At the end of last week, Minister of Education of the Republic of Bela-rus Andrei IVANETS visited the BSAA as part of his working trip to Mogi-lev region

Northern Regions Education Forum: «International Symposium on Higher Education under Green and Low-Carbon Development» 07.10.2024 Northern Regions Education Forum: «International Symposium on Higher Education under Green and Low-Carbon Development»
From September 26 to 28, the conference «Educational Forum of the Northern Regions: International Conference on Green Building and Low Carbon Technologies» was held at the Inner Mongolia University of Technology (People's Republic of China, Inner Mongolia Province), dedicated to the development of education quality.

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