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On Sunday, October 1, our country celebrates one of the brightest and most peaceful holidays - Teacher's Day. This holiday for many decades unites differ-ent generations of Belarusians into one highly educated family. In independent Belarus, this professional holiday was established by Presidential Decree of March 26, 1998. But in fact, it has been celebrated on the first Sunday of October since Soviet times - since 1965.

Participation in the XXIX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "Tibo-2023" 25.09.2023 Participation in the XXIX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "Tibo-2023"
Lecturers of the Agrotechnological Faculty Aleksey Zhuravskiy, Denis Ramantsevich and Maria Zaitseva  in April 2023 took part in the 19th international forum on information and communication technologies "Tibo-2023".

Participants of the photo contest "My Belarus - This is Us!" 25.09.2023 Participants of the photo contest "My Belarus - This is Us!"
Students of the 1st year (group 1) of the Faculty of Economics took part in the photo contest "My Belarus -This is Us!" The photo contest was held as part of the Week of National Unity, timed to coincide with the celebration of September 17.

The first workout site appeared in the BSAA 06.09.2023 The first workout site appeared in the BSAA
On the Day of Knowledge, a new multifunctional sports ground was solemnly opened at the BSAA. It appeared thanks to the support of the Presidential Sports Club, and the administration of the district and the academy.

Two new laboratories and the Resource Center for Spiritual and Moral Development "Vozrozhdenie" opened on September 1 at the BSAA 06.09.2023 Two new laboratories and the Resource Center for Spiritual and Moral Development "Vozrozhdenie" opened on September 1 at the BSAA
On the Day of Knowledge, two new laboratories and the Resource Center for Spiritual and Moral Development "Vozrozhdenie" opened their doors at the BSAA. To open new objects has become a tradition of recent years at the academy.

There are many iconic dates and events in the Calendar of History. But there is a special day among them, equally dear and understandable to every-one. This is September 1 - Knowledge Day.

They are conquering the «Gory» 04.08.2023 They are conquering the «Gory»
Gorki district is among the leaders in the youth participation on the harvest. And this is natural, because after all, the main agricultural university of the country is located here.

The time of the firsts 19.07.2023 The time of the firsts
On July 14, the Meeting of Youth Leaders from the Mogilev Region "The Time of the Firsts" was solemnly launched on the square of the Cultural Centre of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

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