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The Rector’s Opinion

The changes made to the rules for admitting applicants for higher and secondary special education are of a point nature, their main task is to consolidate the positive innovations of last year, which will improve the quality of the organization and realization of the admission campaign both for applicants and their parents, and for institutions of higher education as well. This opinion was expressed by the BSAA rector Vitaly Velikanov.

"In my opinion, to unite CE and CT and hold them in a short time was the right decision of the Ministry of Education. This will allow applicants to have examination certificates and a graduate certificate before the application documents are submitted. The applicants will have a chance to make their choice correctly not only of the future profession, but of the first place of work as well.

A positive last year experience was the practice of enrolling winners (diplomas I, II, III degree) of intra-university olympiads, which allows to find talented, smart, diligent, and motivated children before they start their studies at the university and later work with them when they become students!

The opportunity given to the target students to participate in the competition among individual customer-organizations, if the competition in the specialty did not take place as a whole, will allow more applicants to become students who have already been familiar with the future place of their professional activity since the beginning of their studies.

Great news for the children who have studied well for 11 school years and received a gold (silver) medal. Their opportunities for admission without entrance tests to the regional universities and higher institutions located in Minsk (for the specialties most in demand by the economy) have significantly expanded ".

The rector of the academy noted that the changes and additions made to the admission rules will also ensure the admission of young people oriented for further work in agriculture to agricultural universities and their consolidation in the first workplace afterwards.