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On December 19, the International Student Forum was held at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology

On December 19, 2023, the International Student Forum "History of Science in Persons: Ivan Stebut, the founder of agronomic science, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of birth," took place at the Faculty of Agrotechnology.

The St. Petersburg State Agrarian University became the university-partner of this event.

The forum was opened by A.G. Orlova, Dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies, Soil Science, and Ecology of SPbSAU, and N.A. Duktova, Dean of the BSAA Faculty of Agrotechnology. Then, the students of BSAA and SPbSAU presented the main milestones of I.A. Stebut's life and achievements.

The students of the agrotechnological faculty Valeria Kravchenko and Polina Vlasova highlighted the activities of Ivan Stebut at the Gory-Gorki Agricultural College, having made the report "I.A. Stebut - the father of the Russian agronomists". The video presentation "Genealogical ties between the families of Stebuts, Kossoviches, Mikhelsons, Campionies, who worked in Gory-Gorki Agricultural College in the 40-60s of the XIX century." Этот форум призван почтить выдающегося ученого, который стал основоположником агрономической науки и внес огромный вклад в развитие сельскохозяйственного производства.

The Faculty of Agrotechnology thanks Tatyana Loseva, Head of the Museum of BSAA for assistance in preparing materials, high professionalism, creativity, and dedication to her profession.

N.A. Duktova, dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnology.


