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Participation of students from the Faculty of Economics in the VIII International Student Research Works Contest 19.04.2024 Participation of students from the Faculty of Economics in the VIII International Student Research Works Contest
The students of the Faculty of Economics under the guidance of their teachers from the department of production organization in the agro-industrial complex took part in the VIII International Contest of Student Research Works «Problems and prospects for the development of the region's economy in the conditions of instability».

A Visit to the People's Republic of China 15.04.2024 A Visit to the People's Republic of China
From March 22 to April 5, 2024, the dean of the faculty of international relations and pre-university education Alexander Pashkevich had a business trip to the People's Republic of China.

Goals for Sustainable Development International Youth Forum 04.04.2024 Goals for Sustainable Development International Youth Forum
From March 27 to March 29, 2024 the International Youth Forum "Goals for Sustainable Development" was held at the educational establishment "National children's educational and health center "Zubrenok".

Electronic Library System (ELS) Znanium.com 15.03.2024 Electronic Library System (ELS) Znanium.com
The BSAA library provides test access to the Electronic Library System (ELS) Znanium.com (https://znanium.ru/), which includes electronic versions of educational, scientific, reference, popular science publications and periodicals in all areas of knowledge, grouped by thematic and target features.

An International Seminar at the Faculty of Amelioration and Construction 15.03.2024 An International Seminar at the Faculty of Amelioration and Construction
Within the framework of international cooperation, on March 14, a seminar was held at the faculty of amelioration and construction for students of the specialties "Agricultural Construction and Development of Territories" and "Amelioration and Water Management" with online participation of scientists from Technological University of Inner Mongolia on the topic "Research of building materials damage as a result of erosion, and key technologies for protecting materials in specific climatic conditions."

«Tractor biathlon-2024» 29.02.2024 «Tractor biathlon-2024»
On February 24, the Academy hosted the Open Championship «Tractor biathlon 2024», dedicated to the Day of Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. In total 23 participants took part in the event.

Belarusian Science Day 02.02.2024 Belarusian Science Day
Irina Evgenievna is convinced that development and research should receive practical implementation. Otherwise, it's just theory.

The Republic of Indonesia announces competition to participate in training programmes in Indonesia 23.01.2024 The Republic of Indonesia announces competition to participate in training programmes in Indonesia
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia begins the selection for the Developing Countries Partnership Scholarships Programme (KNB) for students from over 100 countries worldwide, including the Republic of Belarus.

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