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The Belarusian-Chinese Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence has been Opened in China

From February 23 to March 1, 2025, a delegation of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy was visiting Tai'an, Shandong Province in the People's Republic of China. The inviting party was the group of companies Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd., whose representatives visited our academy in September 2024. The delegation included the rector of the Academy Vitaly Velikanov, dean of the faculty of international relations and pre-university education Alexander Pashkevich and dean of the faculty of biotechnology and aquaculture Nikolai Kudryavets.


The scientific and technical group of companies Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and is currently the world's leading platform for microecological products, a major developer and supplier of environmentally friendly products. It has one of the most up-to-date research and production bases in the field of microecology. In 2024, its operating income amounted to more than $255 million.

The company is actively developing four areas: biology, agriculture, food and health. In recent years, Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd has completed more than 60 national projects, has dozens of awards in the field of science and technology. This allowed the company to become a recognized center for microecological preparations for animals, a research center for demonstration engineering technologies and a research center for international cooperation. It produces more than 100 own developed products in the amount of about 100 thousand tons of fermented feed per year and more than 10 thousand tons of feed microecological preparations, which are widely used in animal husbandry, poultry farming and aquaculture. The company's product market covers more than 10 countries and 30 provinces of China, and the volume of production and sales ranks first in the industry.

The company has a large innovation center where work with more than 40,000 microecological strains is carried out. More than 500 patents have been obtained in the field of microecology and other related fields.

During the meeting with the management and representatives of the group of companies Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd. the main directions of the enterprise development were presented, the guests were familiarized with the main achievements and material and technical base of the biotechnological park.


As a result of discussions with the company's scientists on possible areas of interaction with the academy, it was decided to submit an application for financing a joint scientific project in 2025 on the topic "Development and testing of environmentally friendly poultry products based on the use of microbiological additives." A working group has been created from representatives of both parties. A plan of interaction between the academy and the company in the implementation of this scientific project was agreed on.


During the visit, the Belarusian-Chinese Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence was opened at Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd. Its functioning will strengthen the scientific cooperation of the parties, attract leading and young scientists to the research, in order to provide the implementation of joint projects in promising research areas.


During the meeting with representatives of Shandong Agricultural University, the educational and scientific potential of the academy, areas of international activity, as well as ways to improve the quality of training of specialists were presented. The parties considered the prospects for bilateral cooperation in the field of academic exchanges, the implementation of joint scientific projects, the implementation of joint educational activities, in particular, interaction in the training of bachelors, masters and postgraduate students in the specialties available at the academy.


The productive negotiations resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the educational establishment "Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy, » Shandong Baolai Leelai Bio-tech Co., Ltd. and Shandong Agricultural University.


During the visit to Shandong Province, a meeting was held with the administration of Tai'an on the organization of Summer and Winter Schools of the Russian language and Belarusian culture for residents of the urban district on the basis of the academy. During the round table, our delegation provided information on the potential of the academy and the Republic of Belarus for joint cultural and educational events. The city authorities showed interest in this type of cooperation.


After a visit to Shandong province, the dean of the faculty of international relations and pre-university education, Alexander Pashkevich, went to the city of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia province of the People's Republic of China.

During a visit to Mengcao Ecological Environment (Group) Co. Ltd. the parties discussed issues of interaction between representatives of this company and scientists of the Academy for the development and implementation of joint scientific projects. The documents necessary to be submitted to create a joint laboratory "Smart Agriculture," financed by the People's Republic of China, were agreed on.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the educational establishment "Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy," Mengcao Ecological Environment (Group) Co., Ltd and Inner Mongolia Grass Industry Technology Innovation Center Co., Ltd.


A meeting was held with representatives of Wuhan Houpu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. HouPu Overseas Economic Cooperation (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., known as HouPu International, draws on 20 years of HouPu Group experience in vocational education and industry education integration, as well as more than 10 years of experience in international educational exchanges and collaborations, focusing on the internationalization of the development of vocational education in Chinese colleges and universities, assistance in China-funded training personnel for foreign enterprises. The company now has a strong presence in countries along the Belt and Road route, it has successfully integrated resources into Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and other countries, and has established stable and long-term strategic cooperation relationships with nearly 100 well-known institutions at home and abroad.

During the meeting, the possibility of organizing the training of citizens of the People's Republic of China at the academy and assisting the company in their further admission to receive general and advanced higher education at the academy was discussed.

Meetings were also held with representatives of the Technological University of Inner Mongolia and the University of Agriculture of Inner Mongolia, during which the parties discussed the possibilities of interaction in the implementation of joint scientific projects and programs, and participation in conferences.

Based on the results of an online meeting with representatives of the Northeast University of Forestry (Harbin), an agreement was signed between the Chinese educational institution and the academy.

The trip once again demonstrated the interest of our Chinese partners in developing close cooperation in the educational sphere. The growing interest of Chinese citizens who want to get an education at our academy serves as good evidence of this.

Dean of the faculty of international relations
and pre-university education