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An Excursion to the Belarusian Automobile Plant - a world-class Belarusian brand

On February 12, students, postgraduates and teachers of the Faculty of Economics visited Zhodino with an excursion, where they had a chance to see the pride of the home automobile industry - the Belarusian Automobile Plant.

Today BELAZ is the world's largest manufacturer of mining dump trucks and transport equipment for the mining and construction industries, represented by 8 large enterprises united into one holding. These are 550 modifications of quarry equipment for work in different climatic conditions, which are supplied to 80 countries of the world. This is the world's largest dump truck - a BELAZ-75710 with a carrying capacity of 450 tons, which was twice listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest two-axle dump truck and as a mining dump truck with the largest body.

The tour of the enterprise began with a central entrance, where the guests were met by a guide who introduced everyone to the course of the tour and the route. The journey into the world of "living" production began with a visit to the museum of labour glory of the enterprise, which represents exact copies of equipment produced from the first days of the plant, as well as samples of modern machines. The photo exposition and models of equipment presented at the museum show the stages of construction and modernization of the enterprise, as well as its today's activities. A fascinating art object of the museum is a design bench on which you can make a wish.

Then, the guests visited the heart of the plant - the workshop of the main conveyor. Dump trucks with a carrying capacity from 30 to 100 tons are assembled here. After that the excursion group went on a sightseeing tour of the plant (its territory is equal to about 100 football fields), which ended with a visit to the exhibition site of super-heavy cars.

Standing next to such giants is breathtaking! The unique machine is striking in its capabilities and size, especially “the older brother” in the line of mining dump trucks - the famous BELAZ-75710.

Just imagine: this truck is the size of a large house, just one wheel of this "450-ton monster" is 4 meters high! It can place a playground in its back. A pair of cars or a typical one-bedroom flat will fit into the engine compartment. And its power is the same as that of a two-section main diesel locomotive or four Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport – choose what you like better. BELAZ-75710 can transport a brick house together with its foundation, roof, furniture and residents at a time, and it will be done at the speed of up to 64 km/h.

Everyone eagerly climbed upstairs to the driver's cab, where a huge platform opened up, from where they took a large number of the most unforgettable photos as a keepsake!

The tour ended with a visit to a souvenir shop, where a wide range of branded products were presented, including exclusive models of dump trucks and limited series of products. At the end of the excursion, each guest was in for a surprise - a small toy "Belazik" as a gift.

The participants of the excursion express their gratitude to the management of the academy for the opportunity to visit such a legendary flagship enterprise of the Belarusian economy as BELAZ OJSC.

A.N. Kurylenko, Head of Academy Training Practice.








