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Young specialists

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Young specialists


This year, 53 graduates of land management faculty of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy has had a unique opportunity to choose their first job from more than 100 offers from the country's leading enterprises. This will allow them to successfully apply their knowledge in practice and confidently start a professional career.

The event was attended by Chairman of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus Dmitry Matusevich, Rector of the Academy Vitaly Velikanov and First Vice-Rector Andrei Kolmykov.

Representatives of the largest enterprises gathered at the event not only met new specialists, but discussed the prospects for their further professional growth as well.

The dean of the faculty Olga Pisetskaya said:

- This year we have trained 60 specialists. Today, 53 people are distributed. They received more than 100 applications for employment. According to the targeted referrals, 12 graduates will go to their first place of work. Seven persons are not subject to distribution, as they are foreign citizens who will later return to their homeland or continue their studies in the magistracy.

Dmitry Matusevich, Chairman of the State Property Committee, addressed the students with a parting word: - Dear graduates, I want to thank you for your good academic results. There is not much time left before you receive your diplomas and start work. The results of last year became a record for the State Property Committee: in all our organizations there is a high average salary. Time is the most valuable resource, and it depends on you how you use it. Hard work and perseverance will allow you to achieve more.

Rector of the Academy Vitaly Velikanov thanked Dmitry Matusevich, and the representatives of the enterprises for their attention and cooperation. He noted hard work and responsibility of the students: - You did the right thing when you once chose our akademy. And you were not mistaken. I want to wish you quick adaptation at your first job places, join teams and work for the benefit of our country.

Particular attention was drawn to the history of graduates Nikita Dolgov and Victoria Lobkova. Young people come from Gorki. They entered the academy at the advice of a friend. Before university they studied at different schools, but as their families had moved to the same town district, they made friends. When the time came to enter a university, they both chose land management faculty.

- When we entered, we thought that there were still four years ahead, but they passed quite quickly, - the guys recall. An important step for Nikita and Viktoria was the conclusion of targeted agreements that allowed them to be sure that they could work together.

Mikhail Pshibysh, a guy from Gorki, has chosen the UE "Project Institute Belgiprozem" located in Minsk as the first place of work.

- My parents are land managers, and I decided to continue the family dynasty. I am confident in my choice and am glad that I managed to find a place where I can develop and grow professionally, - said Mikhail.

These stories of graduates show how it is important to make an informed choice and get support at the initial stage of a career. We wish them all success and inspiration on their professional path!

Ruslan DARGEL.
Photo: Mikhail LEVTSOV.

Newspaper "Goratskі vesnіk" No. 11, 08.02. 2025



