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Обратная связь

Invitation to participate in the Forum 11.04.2022 Invitation to participate in the Forum
The Secretariat of the Alliance for Agricultural Education and Scientific Research of Silk Road Universities invites academy employees to participate in the annual cooperation forum. The theme of the forum is "Achieving increased productivity in agriculture using modern innovative technologies".

Congratulations to students in Marketing! 11.04.2022 Congratulations to students in Marketing!
The results of the VI International competition of student research works "Problems and prospects for the development of the region's economy in conditions of instability" have been summed up. The competition was held at the Vologda State N.V. Vereshchagin Dairy Academy (The Russian Federation).

An Excursion to the Belarusian Automobile Plant 08.04.2022 An Excursion to the Belarusian Automobile Plant
On March 31, students of the Faculty of Business and Law and the Faculty of Accounting, undergraduates of the Faculty of Economics, postgraduate students and employees of the Academy visited Zhodino with an excursion, where they had a chance to see the pride of the domestic car industry - the Belarusian Automobile Plant (BELAZ).

Selection science - arguments for import substitution of seeds and the basis for food security 06.04.2022 Selection science - arguments for import substitution of seeds and the basis for food security
As you know, as a man sows, so shall he reap. And the commotion around foreign seeds on the eve of sowing forced Belarusian farmers to reconsider their approach to harvest sources and abandon imports in favor of Belarusian material, the STV "Nedelya" programme reported.

Videoconference of Hubei Technological University and the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy 01.04.2022 Videoconference of Hubei Technological University and the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy
On March 31, 2022, a video conference was held between the Hubei Technological University (PRC) and the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy.

Republican judo tournament 29.03.2022 Republican judo tournament
On March 26, 2022, the Republican judo tournament was held at BSAA sports complex in Gorki. It was dedicated to the Year of Historical Memory, as well as to the year of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

Let’s Keep Good Traditions 24.03.2022 Let’s Keep Good Traditions
Good traditions… The word “good” speaks volumes itself. Eyes that radiate love and happiness sow good around them. The good that comes deep from the heart. We were lucky to see faces with such eyes at the Vitebsk Veterinary Academy, which welcomed guests on March, 22, 2022.

Participation in the VI International Contest of Students Research Works "Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Regional Economy in Conditions of Instability" (The Russian Federation) 18.03.2022 Participation in the VI International Contest of Students Research Works "Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Regional Economy in Conditions of Instability" (The Russian Federation)
The scientific works of the Master student of the Faculty of Economics Maxim Borovikov, and the students Andrei Loban and Karina Vyatokha, made under the guidance of associate professor M.F. Rudakov, took part in the VI International Contest of Students Research Works "Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Regional Economy in Conditions of Instability". The contest took place at the Vologda Dairy Farming Vereshchagin Academy (The Russian Federation).

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