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May excursions for students of Russian language courses

Summer is the time of graduate examinations for foreign students studying Russian language at the Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education. Ahead of them there is a responsible choice of speciality and faculty, where they will get a future profession.

To help our foreign students decide on the choice, excursions to all faculties of the Academy are being organized this month.

Students of the courses "Russian as a foreign language" have the opportunity to learn more about laboratories and equipment, meet faculties' administration and lecturers, and communicate with students who study at the faculties.

The Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education thanks the employees of the Academy faculties for informative excursions, which always take place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We wish our foreign students a conscious choice of their future speciality and wait for them in classrooms in September!

Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education.




