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On Tuesday, the V Plenum of the Gorki District Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union was held. One of the issues on the agenda was the election of a new leader.

The plenum was attended by the Head of the District Executive Committee Mikhail Guly, his deputy on the social sphere Larisa Krivitskaya, chairman of the district association of trade unions Marina Bandyk, and members of the district BRYU committee.

At first, the issue of dismissal of the first secretary of the BRYU Marina Bandyk from her post was considered in connection with the change of employment. Mikhail Guly thanked Marina Bandyk for her fruitful work as the leader of the youth movement, which she has been since 2015, and wished her success on the trade union path. The activity and effectiveness of the first secretary was noted with kind words by her direct curator Larisa Krivitskaya as well.

The information about the labour activity of the candidate for the elected post, Elena Khodorenko, was brought to those present. She was born in the city of Pechora of the Komi Republic. From 2010 to 2014 she studied at the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy with a graduate qualification in Economics and Management at an Enterprise. Since August 2014, Elena Khodorenko had worked as chief economist of OJSC "Kolbcha-Agro», Klichev District, and in August 2016, she got a job as an accountant at "Ovsiyanka I.I. Melnik Company". There she was the leader of the primary BRYU organization.

Elena Khodorenko was unanimously elected the first secretary of the Gorki regional BRYU organization.

Chairman of the district executive committee Mikhail Guly congratulated E.Khodorenko and wished her success in her work. M.Guly also stressed that today the Head of State Alexander Lukashenko sets very serious tasks for the patriotic education of young people. It is important to pay due attention to the development of the pioneers’ movement and the BRYU.


Photo: Mikhail LEVTSOV.

Newspaper "Goratskі vesnіk," No. 42 of 04.06.2022
