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A visit of delegations from Russia and Azerbaijan 20.09.2021 A visit of delegations from Russia and Azerbaijan
On September 15, 2021, a group of scientists and lecturers of the College of Food Safety of Azerbaijan and the College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Primorsky SAU of the Russian Federation (Blagoveshchensk) visited the academy. The main interest of the guests was the study of experience in training personnel for the fishing industry.

History has no subjunctive mood. This famous phraseologism has long ago become an axiom. Although it is still questioned in society when it comes to assessing historical events. After more than a year, many Belarusians wonder: how could it happen that an educated, hardworking and tolerant nation unexpectedly faced dangerous political challenges and almost ended up on the edge of the abyss?

Meeting of foreign students with specialists of Gorki district department of internal affairs 16.09.2021 Meeting of foreign students with specialists of Gorki district department of internal affairs
With the onset of a new academic year, motley companies of young people speaking different languages appear in educational buildings and on the alleys of the academy. The Academy accepts its foreign students. Comfortable life and study, painless adaptation in unfamiliar environment are possible only if you know and comply with the laws of the host country.

The competence of accredited seed quality laboratory within the requirements of the international quality standard  has been confirmed 09.09.2021 The competence of accredited seed quality laboratory within the requirements of the international quality standard has been confirmed
In the period from September 6 to 7, 2021, the accredited Testing Laboratory of Seed Quality at the Faculty of Agronomy confirmed its competence and right to work within the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025-2019. The competence of the laboratory was assessed by a comprehensive expert commission of the Belarusian State Accreditation Center with an assessment of the entire structure of the management system and the level of competence of personnel evaluated during control tests.

The formation of civil society in my beloved Belarus is very active. Society give rise to a new understanding of what we have gone through, what we have made, give a vision of what is happening, and set tasks for the future.
I was born in the USSR, and the concepts of unity, cooperation had been instilled in me from early childhood, and these are not just vacuous words.

EDUCATION IS INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Photo report from the solemn meeting at BSAA, dedicated to the Knowledge Day 08.09.2021 EDUCATION IS INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Photo report from the solemn meeting at BSAA, dedicated to the Knowledge Day
There are many notable dates and events in the History Calendar. But among them there is a holiday, equally dare and understandable to everyone - this is the Knowledge Day. Despite the fact that by historical standards we began to celebrate it not so long ago, it has been for many decades that it unites people of different generations into a huge educational family. Makes us remember the past. Evaluate the present. And look confidently into the future.

The Education Department of the Gorki District Executive Committee thanked Vitaly Velikanov, Rector of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy 31.08.2021 The Education Department of the Gorki District Executive Committee thanked Vitaly Velikanov, Rector of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
The Education Department of the Gorki District Executive Committee thanked Vitaly Velikanov, Rector of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. In a special certificate the district administration noted the contribution of V. Velikanov to long-term and fruitful cooperation in the field of training and education of the younger generation as well as to the organization of career guidance work.

Food security is in the spotlight 30.08.2021 Food security is in the spotlight
Within the framework of the Alliance of Agricultural Universities of the Silk Road Countries, the annual International Forum on Agriculture will be held on October 22-26, 2021 in Yangling, Shanxi Province. The theme of the Forum is "Seed production and food security." Scientists of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy are invited to participate in the Forum online by colleagues from the Northwestern University of Forestry and Agriculture.

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