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Practical training in the veterinary clinic 23.07.2021 Practical training in the veterinary clinic
The Faculty of Biotechnology and Aquaculture trains highly qualified specialists. Having a zoo engineering diplomas, our graduates can work not only with agricultural animals, but also with a variety of pets. Practical training in this direction is provided by classes in the veterinary clinic working on a base of the Department of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine.

International scientific cooperation is bearing fruit 23.07.2021 International scientific cooperation is bearing fruit
Scientists of the Chuvash State Agrarian University, the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labor Red Banner  Agricultural Academy, The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology, and St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine published collective monographs in Russia with a circulation of five hundred copies each...

Meeting at the training ground 20.07.2021 Meeting at the training ground
On hot summer days when, it seems, everything alive hides in the shadows and enjoys the long-awaited coolness, the training ground of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization is full of life. The students are having their training practice, mastering the skills of operating agricultural machinery in order to get the licence to drive tractors of various modifications in the near future.

Practical training is the key to strong knowledge  16.07.2021 Practical training is the key to strong knowledge
On July 15, 2021, students of the 2nd year of the 1st group had their educational practice in animal husbandry  at "Vesna-Agro" company, Gorki district (a branch of the Department of Large Animal Husbandry and Processing of Livestock Products). During the practice, students provided practical assistance in sorting and weighing young cattle. From a general group of calves, students identified 30 heads of calves intended for the further reproduction of the herd.

BSAA students of the speciality "Marketing" are the winners of the XVII International Youth Marketing Festival "Green Apple" 15.07.2021 BSAA students of the speciality "Marketing" are the winners of the XVII International Youth Marketing Festival "Green Apple"
In March - May 2021, the XVII International Youth Marketing Festival "Green Apple" was held at the Department of Management of the Higher School of Economics and Management of the Federal State Educational Institution "South Ural State University" (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation). This is a large forum that brings together participants from Russia, the USA, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries.

Congratulations to the winners of the International Festival of Arts "Molodechno CityArt - 2021" 12.07.2021 Congratulations to the winners of the International Festival of Arts "Molodechno CityArt - 2021"
The II International Arts Festival "Molodechno CityArt - 2021" was held in Molodechno from June 17 to 22. More than 400 contestants from Russia, Poland, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine took part in the event. Among the winners there are our artistic teams.

The Republican Ball of Graduates 07.07.2021 The Republican Ball of Graduates
The Republican Ball of Graduates of higher educational establishments was held in Minsk on June 29, 2021.

Assignment of the academic title Associate Professor 06.07.2021 Assignment of the academic title Associate Professor
According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on June 30, 2021, Irina Nesterova was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

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