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Congratulations to the winners of the International Competition  «LETOSTAR in Slovenia-2021»! 19.08.2021 Congratulations to the winners of the International Competition «LETOSTAR in Slovenia-2021»!
From July 27 to 30, the Republic of Slovenia hosted the International Multi-Genre Competition "LETOSTAR in Slovenia-2021" (correspondence form), which was attended by more than 800 participants from Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus. The competition was held to expand cooperation between educational institutions and the cultural centres in the country and abroad, to exchange experience in the field of culture and to identify talented youth.

Students of the Accounting Faculty Practice-oriented Training at the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Belarus 19.08.2021 Students of the Accounting Faculty Practice-oriented Training at the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Belarus
Audit is nowadays an integral part of economic relations. The economic activity of organizations in a market economy is characterized by a wide field of economic risks. All relations and operations of economic entities are based on economic information about the financial situation of the organization, about the results of its economic activities and compliance with the legislation of the country.

Let’s help our agrarians 13.08.2021 Let’s help our agrarians
It is not a secret to anyone that there are not enough working hands in the rural areas at the time of the summer harvest. Everyone who decided to come and help is welcomed. After all, August is a hot time for grain growers: it is necessary to remove the grown crop in the shortest possible time. Every year, students come to the aid of farmers - young people who have recently left their villages in order to get an education and return to their small homeland after a few years as certified specialists.

Strengthening international cooperation 10.08.2021 Strengthening international cooperation
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the educa-tional establishment "Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labor Red Banner Agricultural Academy" and CLAAS KGaA mbH, Ivan Gusarov, senior lecturer of the Department of Agricultural Machines, was invited to conduct training according to the FOCUS CAMP Ukraine 2021 project.

Career guidance 06.08.2021 Career guidance
On August 3,  a video conference was held, at which preliminary results of the work of agricultural groups in the Mogilev region were summed up. The initiative belonged to The Mogilev State Regional Institute for the Development of Education. The moderator of the discussion was the head of the department of  education organizers and the pedagogical process of the institute Svetlana Selezneva. Among the participants there were representatives of BSAA, and a number of schools of the Mogilev region, where agricultural groups worked.

Students of Business and Law Faculty are the winners of the "Limon" International Advertising Festival 03.08.2021 Students of Business and Law Faculty are the winners of the "Limon" International Advertising Festival
The "Limon" International Advertising Festival was held at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Moscow Polytechnic University. The festival nominations were: the history of advertising and public relations in the form of essays and visual communications on relevant public topics (protection of historical truth, volunteering, popularization of universal human values   (friendship, family, healthy lifestyle), prevention of drug addiction, smoking, gambling, alcoholism, etc.). Options for visual communications or sub-nominations: video advertising and animation, scribing, poster, banner, photo, infographic, web design.

Business meeting with Indonesia 27.07.2021 Business meeting with Indonesia
On July 27, 2021, an online business meeting with Indonesia was held, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Mogilev Region.Viktor Borisenok, an attaché of the embassy was the moderator of the meeting. The meeting was opened by A. Lachimov, a temporary attorney of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia.

Practical experience of student exchange at the Faculty of Land Management 26.07.2021 Practical experience of student exchange at the Faculty of Land Management
In accordance with the agreement on cooperation between the State University for Land Management (Moscow) and the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy a training practice was organized at the Faculty of Land Management.  Six students of the 2nd year of  the speciality "Land Management and Cadastre" of the State University for Land Management (Moscow) from July 19, 2021 to July 31, 2021 had their training in the discipline "Geodetic support of land management and cadastral works".

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