Getting to know the profession
On November 4, 2021, a meeting was held at the Department of Marketing. Natalya Martyukhova, a 2014 graduate of the Faculty of Business and Law in the speciality "Marketing" met current students of this speciality. Presently, Natalya Martyukhova is the deputy head of the sales and supply department of OJSC "Shklov Butter Plant". During her professional career, she received vast experience in various positions of different enterprises of the republic, including OJSC "Alexandriyskoye", OJSC "Kamvol", etc.
BSAA: Indonesian focus on cooperation
On November 5, the diplomatic delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow visited the oldest higher agrarian educational establishment of the Union State of Belarus and Russia - BSAA. The delegation included: Azis NURWAHYUDI - Deputy Ambassador, Adi NURYANTO - Attaché for Education, Adi PRIYANTO - Embassy Adviser, Hosea Richardo Bokkak MANURUNG - First Secretary, Rendi CASMONO - Embassy employee.
According to the results of the expertise, on November 3, 2021 the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus awarded the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences (speciality 06.04.01 - fisheries and aquaculture) to the senior lecturer of the Department of Ichthyology and Fish Farming Konstantin Shumsky. The topic of dissertation work is "Assessment, preservation of quality and increase of fertilization ability of sturgeon fish sperm during artificial insemination". The scientific supervisor - head of the Department of Ichthyology and Fish Farming N.V.Barulin.
«Memory of open pages»
The exhibition “Memory of Open Pages” finished its work in BSAA D.Novikov Library. The exhibition was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of D.Novikov, BSSR Honoured Worker of Culture, a permanent head of the library from 1920 to 1975.
A Trip to the City of Vitebsk
The goals of going to Vitebsk were visits to the old part of the city, to the museum of Mark Shagal, and to Iliya Repin’s manor “Zdravniovo”.
The walking tour began in the historical center of Vitebsk, near the monument to a famous Belarusian writer Vladimir Korotkevich.
Opening of mini-football field
On October 22, the sports base of the academy was replenished with one more sporting facility, which had appeared thanks to the cooperation of our academy and the Belarusian Football Federation. On the place where once was a tennis court, employees of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, and subdivisions of the administrative department prepared the basis for a training mini-football (futsal) field. The artificial covering and fencing for it were provided by the Football Federation of Belarus.
The dialogue with the minister of education
On Thursday, October 21, Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus I.KARPENKO held a working trip to the Gorki district. In the morning, the Minister met the leading pedagogical workers of the region, and visited the Ovsyanka secondary school. This educational establishment with a swimming pool and a gym, was built on the initiative of the chairman of the local collective farm "17th Party Congress," a graduate of the agronomic faculty of our academy, Hero of Socialist Labor Ivan Melnik.
I got vaccinated
Students of BSAA told why they had been vaccinated and why it is so important that everyone else is vaccinated.
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