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Аccreditation 03.12.2021 Аccreditation
The educational establishment "Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labor Red Banner Agricultural Academy" has been accredited by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a scientific organization until November 24, 2026.

Online training on the use of digital technologies in Korean agriculture 03.12.2021 Online training on the use of digital technologies in Korean agriculture
On November 25-26, 2021, scientists, lecturers, undergraduate students and postgraduates of the academy took part in an online training programme developed with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) of the Republic of Korea and the Embassy of Korea in the Republic of Belarus.

The Student Scientific and Practical Conference 26.11.2021 The Student Scientific and Practical Conference
On November 24, a student conference was held at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Aquaculture, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the greatest scientist in the field of animal husbandry M.F.Ivanov. The results of technological practice that the students of the specialities Zootechny and Industrial Fish Farming had completed were represented at the conference.

On the occasion of World Information Day, which is celebrated annually on November 26, the library named after D. R.Novikov presents you with a thematic collection of full-text sources "The history of the academy is near us." The first section "Pages from past centuries" reflects books from a rare library fund. Here you can get acquainted with the texts of Notes of the Gory-Gorki College of Agriculture published in different years (including those volumes stored in the National Library of the Republic of Belarus). Other sources of this section give an idea of ​ the birth and activities of Gorki agricultural educational institutions.

Invitation to an intercultural online student forum 24.11.2021 Invitation to an intercultural online student forum
Omsk State P. A. Stolypin Agrarian University invites students of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy to take part in the intercultural student online forum "Student's Vision of the World." The purpose of this Forum is to create a digital space for intercultural exchange, expand the sphere of active student life and develop joint international projects.

"COVID Vaccination" Round Table 22.11.2021 "COVID Vaccination" Round Table
The pandemic of the new coronavirus COVID-19 has become a challenge for the whole world. The so-called "invisible enemy" has become a threat not only to human health, but also the cause of many fakes, legends and speculations. In such circumstances, obtaining objective and reliable information becomes particularly important.

November 21 - Agri-Industrial Workers Day 19.11.2021 November 21 - Agri-Industrial Workers Day
In our country, it is difficult to find a public holiday to which the many thousands of staff of the oldest institution of higher agrarian education would not be related. But the Agri-Industrial Workers Day is special and respected among them. And it's no coincidence. Indeed, it is in this sector of the economy that a huge number of graduates of our Academy work. Their good-faith work ensured the Republic's food security, and created new innovative technologies and jobs. Thanks to the large export potential of the industry, Belarusian farmers are sure to form the country's image on the international market.

November 17 - The International Students Day 16.11.2021 November 17 - The International Students Day
Student years are an unforgettable and happy time in the life of every person who possesses a diploma of higher education. This is the time when we not only master the knowledge, competencies and skills of the future profession. But we also acquire friends with whom we later do not part in life. It is very important to use the years of study at the university with benefits not only for ourselves, for our relatives and friends, but also for our country.

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