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2022 Graduation at Land Management Faculty 18.01.2022 2022 Graduation at Land Management Faculty
On January 15, 2022, the Faculty of Land Management held a solemn presentation of higher education diplomas to land management engineers and engineers of the specialty "Land Cadastre." On this wonderful winter day, 53 graduates became happy holders of a "ticket" to the professional route - diplomas of higher education. Of the total number of graduates, 8 diplomas with honors were awarded, 3 diplomas were awarded to citizens of Turkmenistan.

Information and analytical bulletin No. 1 (103) has been published 18.01.2022 Information and analytical bulletin No. 1 (103) has been published
The scientific research laboratory of monitoring and quality management of higher agricultural education informs readers about the release of information and analytical bulletin No. 1 (103), January 2022. The information and analytical bulletin presents the results of the study of the process of forming the civil and patriotic consciousness of students in order to identify priorities and problem zones in their moral education.

Agro-Industrial Complex: searching and findings 17.01.2022 Agro-Industrial Complex: searching and findings
Numerous preferences when entering a higher educational establishment and 100% distribution to the first workplace. Such a direction for training young owners of the land was chosen at one of the oldest agrarian universities in the country - the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy in Gorki. About 1000 students are recruited here every year. And not only from Belarus, but from the most remote parts of the world as well.

On the 100th anniversary of N.A. SHITOV (1921-1991) 10.01.2022 On the 100th anniversary of N.A. SHITOV (1921-1991)
On December 2, 2021 there was 100th anniversary of the birth of our famous scientist, teacher, doctor of history, professor NIKOLAY SHITOV. From 1953 to 1991 he worked at the academy as a lecturer, then senior lecturer, the associate professor, professor, for 26 years he worked as a head of department of history of the CPSU.

Participation of the students from Faculty of Economics in the III International Competition of Student Research in Economics 04.01.2022 Participation of the students from Faculty of Economics in the III International Competition of Student Research in Economics
From September to December 2021, the  Research Center "Progress" at the Komrat State University (Republic of Moldova) held the Third International Competition for Student Research in Economics, in which 167 students from 33 higher educational institutions in 7 countries took part. 8 works from the Republic of Belarus  participated in the competition, 4 of them from BSAA. The materials of this competition are published in four volume collection of more than 170 articles.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 03.01.2022 Happy New Year and Merry Christmas
The staff of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, represented by rector Vitaly Velikanov, was congratulated on the coming New Year and Christmas by the Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus N.I.Kochanova.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 31.12.2021 Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Another year goes into History. I am sure that to the question: "What was the year of 2021 for you?" the answers might be different for everyone. As they say, how many people, so many opinions.

Intercultural Student Online Forum 31.12.2021 Intercultural Student Online Forum
The intercultural student online forum "Student's Vision of the World" was held at the Omsk State P.A.Stolypin Agrarian University on the social network Facebook in English. Academy students were also invited to participate in the competition.

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