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Round table at the Club of International Friendship 01.03.2022 Round table at the Club of International Friendship
On the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, the round table "Threads of Memory" was held on the basis of the International Friendship Club "Mechta". The event also summed up the results of the contest for the best hostel room and for the best headstudent in the hostel. The winners were awarded  prizes and souvenirs.

Congratulations! 01.03.2022 Congratulations!
The head of state Alexander Lukashenko signed the order about grants of the President of the Republic of Belarus for 2022 to 70 graduate students who are carrying out dissertation researches on the priority directions of scientific, technical, and innovative activity.

This is the beginning of something grandiose. See how the first tractor biathlon took place 01.03.2022 This is the beginning of something grandiose. See how the first tractor biathlon took place
The first tractor biathlon competitions were held at the BSAA training field. It was the first such competition in the region, and the first in the country among students. The organizers timed it to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. The chairman of the district executive committee Mikhail Guly and the rector of the academy Vitaly Velikanov arrived to open the event.

Referendum 2022 25.02.2022 Referendum 2022
The draft amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the importance of participating in the referendum were discussed today at a dialogue platform in BSAA.

Indonesia – Belarus 24.02.2022 Indonesia – Belarus
On January 24, 2022, the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and the University of Tidar (Indonesia) was signed online. The signing ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia Jose Tavares, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, employees of the Indonesian Embassy in the Russian Federation, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Indonesia, as well as Professor Mukh Arifin, Rector of Tidar University, First Vice-Rector of Tidar University, deans of faculties.

Happy Fatherland Defender's Day! 21.02.2022 Happy Fatherland Defender's Day!
The Day of Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus has never been "devalued" in our society. And, despite its "male character," this holiday has become truly nationwide.

International scientific and practical seminars  at the Faculty of Amelioration and Construction 17.02.2022 International scientific and practical seminars at the Faculty of Amelioration and Construction
On February 8 and 9, 2022, in accordance with the plan for scientific events and order No.22-OD of February 3, 2022, international scientific and practical seminars were held on the basis of the Faculty of Amelioration and Construction on the topics: "Innovations in Reclamation Design and Construction in the Republic of Belarus," "Innovative Management in Reclamation Design, Construction and Systems Operation".

International Symposium «Soil Health. Key indicators and evaluation criteria» 17.02.2022 International Symposium «Soil Health. Key indicators and evaluation criteria»
The staff of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V.I.Tulpanov held an International Symposium on the actual and actively developing direction of agriculture «Soil Health». The event was held jointly with scientists from the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

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