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The Rector's Office, the Dean's Office of the Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education, the Department for Educational Work with the Youth, the Academy's Cultural Centre,  Amateur Literary Association "Parnas", public organizations, "Sovetsky Student" newspaper editorial office, and the Academy's library are holding a competition for the best poetic work dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of L.G.Vasilyev.

175 years since the birth of Mikhail Rytov, an outstanding agrobiologist, founder of scientific gardening and fruit growing 16.01.2021 175 years since the birth of Mikhail Rytov, an outstanding agrobiologist, founder of scientific gardening and fruit growing
Mikhail Rytov was born on January 4 (16), 1846 in Novomirgorod, now Kirovograd Region, died on April 17, 1920 in Gorki, Mogilev Region. From 1879 to 1920 he taught at the Gorki Agricultural College. Mikhail Rytov conducted the first scientific experiments in the famous Stebut vegetable garden, and in 1880 he organized a botanical nursery at the Gorki Agricultural College to test crop varieties and verify new  agricultural techniques. Rytov vegetable garden still exists today.

According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on January 13, 2021: Viktor BLOKHIN was awarded the academic title of associate professor. 15.01.2021 According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on January 13, 2021: Viktor BLOKHIN was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
We congratulate Viktor BLOKHIN, Associate Professor of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department on the award of the academic title of Associate Professor and wish him good health and further fruitful work!

«The New Year Kaleidoscope» 15.01.2021 «The New Year Kaleidoscope»
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas Holidays on December 22, 2020, "the New Year Kaleidoscope" was held at the "International Negotiation Center" at the Faculty of Economics. The 1st year students of the speciality "World Economy" took part in the event. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Larisa Pakush greeted the participants.

New books in our library 13.01.2021 New books in our library
In December 2020, the book collection of the library named after D.R. Novikov was replenished with new textbooks of Russian publishers, such as: "Юрайт", "ЮНИТИ", "ИНФРА-М", "Лань", "Феникс". In total, the library received 107 copies of books. These are literature on the protection of agricultural plants, accounting, animal science, psychology, pedagogy, economics, price formation.

A Roundtable of Youth Ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals 11.01.2021 A Roundtable of Youth Ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals
A round table with the participation of youth ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals was held on 30.12.2020. Ekaterina Chernaya, a student of the Faculty of Economics of our Academy, took part in the event. The round table was attended by Anatoly Isachenko, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus; Alexander Kadlubai, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus; representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and others.

The New Year's Ball at the Palace of Independence 05.01.2021 The New Year's Ball at the Palace of Independence
The Belarusian New Year's Ball was held at the Palace of Independence on December, 29. The best representatives of students became the participants of the event. More than 300 students were invited to the ball. These students achieved great success in study, creativity and sports, scientific and social activities.

Presentation of diplomas of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus 05.01.2021 Presentation of diplomas of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus
In December 2020, a number of academy employees were awarded diplomas of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus for their long-term and fruitful scientific activity, a significant contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of protection of rights to intellectual property, a great personal contribution to the development and implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research, the introduction of innovative methods for the assessment and labeling of plant genotypes, active participation in professional master class systems in the field of quality assessment.

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