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Scientific articles written by the head of Health and Safety department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor V.N. Bosak

Scientific articles written by the head of Health and Safety department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor V.N. Bosak in collaboration with leading foreign scientists have been published in prestigious world magazines included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
1) Catena (five-year impact factor 4.620, total impact factor 4.333) "Does soil organic matter in mollic horizons of central/east European floodplain soils have common chemical features?" (the article is available for free viewing until March 25, 2021 at https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1cWWa1Dk5ARcD3)
2) International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology «Influence of Heavy Metals on the Environment and Methods of Soil Bioremediation Control» (the article is available at: http://irphouse.com/volume/ijertv13n6.htm).

A.N. Ivanistov, Head of Research Unit.

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