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Both participation and winning are the main things in science

Students of the Faculty of Business and Law majoring in law as well as graduates of 2020 in the speciality "Marketing" took part in the V International Competition of Student Scientific Works "BUSINESS, LAW, IT, AND INNOVATIVE SOCIETY", organized by the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technology, an autonomous non-profit organization of higher education (Omsk).

The competition aims to develop the research work of students and strengthen its role in improving the quality of training bachelors and masters. The scientific directions of the competition are as follows:

- innovative ways and methods to increase the efficiency of companies in the context of the economy globalization;

- marketing technologies to enhance enterprise competitiveness;

- legal aspects of modern entrepreneurship;

- topical issues of law and law enforcement;

- legal aspects of economic regulation;

- problems of civil law, etc.

The main requirement is that a research work must be up to 20 pages, corresponding to the theme of the direction of the Competition. It should be characterized by the originality of the author's approach, scientific novelty, the chosen topic of research should be relevant, and the scientific presentation should correspond to its goals.

As a result, the certificates of the participants were awarded to student of the 3rd year (group 2) Anastasia Shelyuto, and the 4th year student (group 2) Daria Kukharchik, as well as graduates - Oksana Novikova and Anastasia Frantsuzova.

The student of the 3rd year (group 4) ELENA KUTSENKOVA was awarded THE 1st DEGREE DIPLOMA for the research work "Transformation of the Civil Law Institute of the Transaction in the Conditions of the Information Technology Business." submitted to the Competition.

Svetlana Artemenko, a senior lecturer of the department of marketing, and Andrey Kuzmich, a senior lecturer of the department of general-professional and special legal disciplines received letters of gratitude for training the students for participation in the V International competition of student's scientific works "BUSINESS, LAW, IT, AND INNOVATIVE SOCIETY".

A.P. Kuzmich,
Faculty of Business and Law Deputy Dean .






