On March 11, 2020, the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission approved the decision of the Council for the Defense of Theses to award the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences to Olga BOBKOVA
We congratulate Olga BOBKOVA, a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Analysis and Applied Informatics on the approval of the decision to award a degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences to her and wish her further success!
To the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory
The Academy received letters of gratitude signed by General Manager of the National Cadastral Agency A. A. Filipenko. On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, the National Cadastral Agency expressed its gratitude to students and teachers of the Academy and personally to the 2nd year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Artem Shavilov and Igor Kalenkovich for their personal contribution to filling the Public Cadastral Map with the information about monuments of the Great Patriotic War.
Congratulation addressed to the rector
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Belarus N.Shakulyyev congratulated the Rector of the Academy on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The Ambassador noted the importance of this holiday, which had brought people together in a difficult period, and wished the Belarusians peace and prosperity.
A ceremony of commemorative wreath-laying
On May 9, 2020 in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory a ceremony of commemorative wreath-laying was held to monuments: "To teachers, students and staff of the academy who died during the Great Patriotic War," Grave of Soviet prisoners of war”, "Mass grave of underground fighters and victims of fascism," memorial "A grieving mother."
The International distance scientific and practical conference "Organizational-Economic and Legal Bases of Agribusiness Development" was held on May 7.
The participants discussed on-line the results of scientific research, problems and trends of scientific and research work organization in modern conditions.
On May 6, 2020, the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission approved the decision of the Council for the Defense of Theses to award a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences to Sergey KLIMIN
We congratulate Sergey KLIMIN, a Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Professional and Special Legal Disciplines on the approval of the decision to award a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences to him and wish him further success!
The contest of videoclips "Let’s congratulate veterans together"
The BSAA Center for Volunteer Activity, the Department of Educational Work with Young People, the Students’ Trade Union congratulate the winners of the contest of videoclips "Let’s congratulate veterans together".
Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory!
Dear lecturers, employees and students of the academy! Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory! We wish you health, warmth and love of your nearest. Let every new day be peaceful, and the sky be clear.
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