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email: kancel@baa.by
Адрес: 213410,
Могилевская обл.,
г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
Обратная связь


The Rector of BSAA has received a letter of gratitude

A letter of gratitude has been received by Rector of the Academy from the scientific and production association "Agro-Bio-Tech" (Russia). General Manager of the assosiation, Doctor of Biology, Professor, A.V.Semchenkov thanked the Academy for providing seed studies and consultations in the testing laboratory of seeds quality of the Academy carried out at the highest professional level . The Russian partners emphasized the high level of professional competence of the head of the testing laboratory Sergey Yegorov, who had professionally carried out tests of seeds, and had given on-line consultations (in the form of a webinar) on various issues in the field of genetic and biochemical marking of plants and peculiarities of its application in the practical field.