Studies in Latvia
The Agricultural Academy of the University of Vytautas the Great (Lithuania) invites students to study during the autumn semester 2020/21 without a scholarship. Meals and living expenses are paid by the students, which is approximately 300-400 euros per month.
Test access to electronic library system (ELS) of the publishing house "Prospect Nauki”
The publishing house "Prospect Nauki" provides our organization with free test access to its electronic library system. The ELS of the publishing house includes about 200 books of the following directions: agriculture and fishery; economics, information technologies, management; food and pharmaceutical industry; chemistry and biotechnologies; construction, land management, cartography; health and safety, resource-saving.
Congratulations on May Day!
Dear lecturers, employees and students of the academy! We wish you health, happiness and professional success. Let the bright day of May the 1st give you confidence in the future, cheerful mood, and bring you new victories.
In the name of remembrance
To the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory BSAA invites everyone to take part in repair and improvement of the monument in Borki village, Kirovsk district. Don’t be indifferent! As long as we remember the past, we have the future.
The library informs
The changes in "The technological instruction for transfer, registration, storage and use of electronic documents in BSAA" when signing the author's contract one shouldn’t record the electronic document on a disk and bring it to the library.
Responsibility for social media
Posting information on your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, The Contacts, Twitter, Classmates, etc.) or commenting on someone's posts, it is important to remember what information is prohibited according to Belarusian legislation!
Aid to telework of scientists, lecturers, and students
To assist our scientists, lecturers, and students in their telework, The BSAA library offers remote access to its resources and services: electronic catalogue, electronic library, information resources, virtual reference service acquisitions, virtual exhibitions, interlibrary loans, indexing of scientific and educational documents.
I National Competition of Young Accountants, Analysts and Auditors (among college students)
On April 8-10, the Faculty of Accounting hosted the "I National Competition of Young Accountants, Analysts and Auditors (among college students)," dedicated to the 180th anniversary of BSAA.
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