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Обратная связь

Open dialogue "Youth parliamentarism: new points of growth " 05.04.2021 Open dialogue "Youth parliamentarism: new points of growth "
On March 31, 2021, the educational establishment "Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies" in Mogilev held an open dialogue "Youth Parliamentarism: New Points of Growth". The event was attended by Chairman of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich. Besides, more than 50 people joined the event.

Orthodoxy in the historical fate of the Slavonic peoples 01.04.2021 Orthodoxy in the historical fate of the Slavonic peoples
On April 2-3, 2021, the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy will host the International Scientific Conference "Orthodoxy in the Historical Fate of the Slavonic Peoples." The conference is organized by the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, the International Foundation of St. Savva of Serbia and St. Seraphim of Sarov (Serbia), the Russian Orthodox University (Russia), the Center for Eurasian Studies of the RSSU branch in Minsk (Belarus).

Turkmenistan is an important and long-term partner of the Republic of Belarus 29.03.2021 Turkmenistan is an important and long-term partner of the Republic of Belarus
Turkmenistan is an important and long-term partner of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of education. Interaction at the interstate level doesn't stop even in the conditions of epidemic restrictions. On March 26, 2021, the Ministry of Education of Republic of Belarus and the Republican Institution of Higher School carried out a round table "The relevant directions of cooperation in the sphere of education and science between establishments of higher education of the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan".

On March 20, 2021, the BSAA traditionally hosted the Open Day at all faculties, where the Faculty of Land Management was also presented in the lobby of educational building No11. But on the same day, the Faculty of Land Management opened its doors for foreign students in building No4.

The Belarusian part of the Belarusian-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Development 22.03.2021 The Belarusian part of the Belarusian-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Development
On March 17, 2021, a video conference of the Belarusian part of the Belarusian-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Development was held under the chairmanship of Minister of Agriculture and Food I.I.Krupko. The Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Tajikistan also participated. The Belarusian State Agricultural Academy was represented by rector V.V.Velikanov, first vice-rector A.V. Kolmykov, vice-rector for educational work M.M.Volkov, vice-rector for scientific work Y.L.Tibets, director of the institute for advanced training and retraining of personnel A.S.Chechetkin, head of the department for international cooperation S.A.Noskova.

Library Videos 17.03.2021 Library Videos
The Center for the Development of Information Technologies informs about the creation of a new section on BSAA web-site "Library Video Materials."

Congratulations! 17.03.2021 Congratulations!
On March 15, at the rectorate meeting, the highest award of the BSAA was presented to Svetlana NOSKOVA, head of the Department for International Cooperation. Awarding the Certificate of Honor of the leading agrarian educational institution, the rector Vitaly VELIKANOV highly appreciated the personal merits of S.Noskova and wished her health and further success in work for the benefit of her native academy.

Congratulations! 15.03.2021 Congratulations!
The MMES Department and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics congratulates Elena Karachevskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems at the Agricultural Complex, on the award of a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists for 2021.

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