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Обратная связь


Prospects for international cooperation

On April 22, 2021, the BSAA Department of Life Safety (Head of the Department, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences V.N.Bosak, and senior lecturer M.V. Tsaitz) took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Comprehensive Approaches to Education, Science and Production in solving technosphere security issues", which was held at Orel State N.Parakhin Agrarian University (Russian Federation).

The staff of Life Safety Department presented a plenary report in the online format "System of training specialists in labour protection for agriculture of the Republic of Belarus," discussed issues of life safety and labour protection in the agro-industrial complex of Belarus and Russia with the conference participants, as well as prospects for further scientific cooperation.

V.N. Bosak, Head of the Department of life safety,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
