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Обратная связь

The Faculty of Agronomy is 95 years old! 25.11.2020 The Faculty of Agronomy is 95 years old!
From 2 to 6 November, 2020, the Faculty of Agronomy was celebrating its 95th anniver-sary. The programme of festive events was rich and diverse.

Links of education and production at the Faculty of Land Management 30.10.2020 Links of education and production at the Faculty of Land Management
On October 23, 2020, the Republican seminar "Current problems in the legislation on seizure and provision of land plots" was held at the Faculty of Land Management. Faculty workers and students of the faculty took an active part in the seminar.

Uzbekistan is interested in training specialists in fish breeding 26.10.2020 Uzbekistan is interested in training specialists in fish breeding
On October 22, an online meeting was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus with the representatives of Ministries and Departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Natalya Sonich, head of the General Department of Livestock Intensification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus was the moderator of the meeting.

Virtual Winter Online School 23.10.2020 Virtual Winter Online School
Virtual Winter Online School "Digital Formats in Education and Social Entrepreneurship" invites students to study in English language.

Mercy 22.10.2020 Mercy
The students from Turkmenistan continue the traditions of their predecessors, graduates of the Academy. The guys, having received their diplomas, leave for their homeland, but the kindness, which comes deep from the hearts, remains and multiplies itself.

International cooperation on-line 22.10.2020 International cooperation on-line
On October 19-20, 2020, employees of the Faculty of Land Management took part in a project founded by the European Union with the participation of the National Cadastral Agency "TWINNING PROJECT NCABY 18."

Project Proposal Tender 22.10.2020 Project Proposal Tender
A competition for project proposals is being announced under the CEI Know How Exchange Program (KEP), funded by the Italian government.

The time doesn’t matter 19.10.2020 The time doesn’t matter
For decades, it had been meeting freshmen who came at the faculty of agricultural mechanization. For decades it watched after happy young people who had just received diplomas. He saw off generation after generation, looking thoughtfully at the fuss around him. As if it was an old man, wise with his experience, who had already seen everything in his life, and did not expect anything new.

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