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Обратная связь

Visit to the Academy 15.12.2020 Visit to the Academy
On December 10, 2020, a meeting was held within the framework of the project "School of an Active Citizen". Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, a graduate of our academy, Sergey Reentovich met representatives of the student bodies.

The Information and analytical bulletin No. 7 (96) has been published 15.12.2020 The Information and analytical bulletin No. 7 (96) has been published
The Laboratory of Monitoring and Quality Management of Higher Agrarian Education informs readers about the release of information and analytical bulletin No. 7 (96), December 2020. The bulletin presents and analyzes the results of a sociological survey of correspondence form of training students in the speciality "Pedagogical activity of specialists."

Letter of gratitude 14.12.2020 Letter of gratitude
The Academy has received a letter of gratitude from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Gorki District Executive Committee, in which the rector of the Academy, Vitaly Velikanov is congratulated on the International Day against Corruption and is thanked for his interaction with the branch for combating economic crimes and for his personal attitude to negative processes happening in the society, timely and objective response to them, prompt provision of the requested information, documents and characteristics.

The Department of Selection and Genetics is 100 years old! 07.12.2020 The Department of Selection and Genetics is 100 years old!
The Department of Selection and Genetics celebrated its 100th anniver-sary on November 20, 2020. On November 19, a student section of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Selection and Genetics: Innovation and Prospects," dedi-cated to the 100th anniversary of the department, was held. The conference was attended by the 2nd-5th year students of Agronomy Faculty.

Congratulations! 03.12.2020 Congratulations!
The Department of Tractors, Automobiles and Machines for Environmental Engeneering congratulates ANDREI BORISOV  on the successful defense of his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. We wish ANDREI BORISOV strong health, further development in the chosen scientific path, and a continuous desire for success in his activities!

The National Cadastral Agency is in connection with the Faculty of Land Management 03.12.2020 The National Cadastral Agency is in connection with the Faculty of Land Management
On December 1, 2020, lecture sessions were held at the Faculty of Land Management for students of the 4th year (Group 2) in the specialty "Land Cadastre". The lectures were conducted by the general manager of the State Unitary Enterprise "National Cadastral Agency" A.Filipenko and a specialist of the legal support department of the National Cadastral Agency" E.Korneev.

Assignment of the academic title of professor 01.12.2020 Assignment of the academic title of professor
According to the results of the expertise in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on November 25, 2020, the academic title of professor was awarded to Vasily SVITIN. We congratulate Vasily SVITIN, professor of the Department of Cadastre and Land Law, on the assignment of the academic title of professor, and wish him further success!

Baltic University Programme News 25.11.2020 Baltic University Programme News
The Baltic University programme invites teachers, students and everyone to a series of webinars on the topic "Universities' sustainable development". How can the sustainable development of universities in teaching, conducting research and landscaping the university campus be ensured...

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