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Webinar Invitation 08.02.2021 Webinar Invitation
The Swedish Agricultural University, in cooperation with the Belarusian State University invites everyone to participate in an online seminar on climate change within the framework of the Baltic University Programme.
You can register on the programme website. The registration and more information can be found on our BUP website.

Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Science: Forecasts, Facts, Development Trends" 03.02.2021 Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Science: Forecasts, Facts, Development Trends"
On January 29, 2021, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Science: Forecasts, Facts, Development Trends" was held at the Cheboksary Cooperative College of the Russian University of Cooperation. This university is a long-standing partner of BSAA, close cooperation agreements have been concluded between the universities.

Features of tea drinking in different countries of the world 02.02.2021 Features of tea drinking in different countries of the world
Drinking tea is a tradition the history of which dates back several millennia. The first mention of the tea ceremony dates from 2737 BC. Every year, in the middle of December (15th), many countries around the world celebrate the International Tea Day. On January 28, 2021, a tea ceremony was organized at our International Friendship Club by the youth education department in cooperation with the International Friendship Club (headed by Ekaterina Rachikova) and the Students' Art Centre.

On January 31, our country celebrates the Belarusian Science Day. Agree that today you can safely argue with the statement of the Russian writer Anton  Chekhov: "there is no national science, as there is no national multiplication table". Back in 2007, speaking at the First Congress of Scientists of our country, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the republic "took the first step in building an intellectual economy," the main driver of which was science.

Webinar Invitation 01.02.2021 Webinar Invitation
Plovdiv Agricultural University, in cooperation with ISC, will organize a virtual seminar on February 9, 2021 at 10:00 Central European Time on the topic "Research and innovation in agri-food systems, the ERA agenda for 2021-2027 and opportunities for cooperation between industry and academia."  The webinar is included in the official programme of the European Commission.

Accept the words of sincere gratitude for your work, which requires great tension, concentration of forces, energy, and will. Thank you for bringing significant results to the development of agriculture in the Republic of Belarus.
On this important day, we wish our entire team inexhaustible energy, vigor of spirit, happiness and good health, optimism and well-being, successful creative search and new scientific discoveries.

According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on January 27, 2021, the academic title of Associate Professor was awarded to Inga Polkhovskaya. 29.01.2021 According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on January 27, 2021, the academic title of Associate Professor was awarded to Inga Polkhovskaya.
According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, on January 27, 2021, the academic title of Associate Professor was awarded to Inga Polkhovskaya.
Our congratulations to Inga Polkhovskaya, assistant professor of the department of production organization in the agro-industrial complex!

Congratulations! 27.01.2021 Congratulations!
The Department of Economic Theory and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics congratulate the teacher of Economic Theory Department Daria KIVULYA on the award of the honourable mention of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for supporting gifted schoolchildren and students, and for her special contribution to the development of the abilities of gifted students following the results of the 2019-2020 academic year.

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