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Participation of employees of Land Reclamation and Construction Faculty  in the International Winter School-2021 24.02.2021 Participation of employees of Land Reclamation and Construction Faculty in the International Winter School-2021
The employees of Land Reclamation and Construction faculty took part in the opening of the International winter school-2021 which The Kazakh National Agricultural Research University had organized and also in the educational programme - "Water resources management: Problems of assessment and management of natural resources of Kazakhstan"  headed by the rector of the Kazakh National Agricultural Research University, the academician, Doctor of Economics, professor, Tlektes Espolov.

Presentation of the Baltic University diplomas 23.02.2021 Presentation of the Baltic University diplomas
The presentation of the Baltic University diplomas took place on Feb. 16, 2021 at a meeting of the students' scientific club "Sustainable Development." The holders of the diplomas were Ekaterina Chernaya (2nd year of the Faculty of Economics), Olga Eismont (3d year of the Faculty of Economics), Arthur Klyukin (Master student of the Faculty of Accounting) , Daniil Ivlev,  Alexandra Svitich, Anastasia Klimenkova, Vladimir Mozhar (2nd year of the Faculty of Accounting),  Anastasia Kozhemiakina (2nd year of the Faculty of Business and Law) .

February 19, 2021 will mark the 95th anniversary of the birth of Lev Vasiliev (19.02.1926 - 01.12.2012) - a teacher and poet, whose poems were often published on the pages of "the Soviet Student". Lev Vasiliev's working history was closely connected with the academy - in the 1970s he taught German here.

Among the numerous state holidays and memorable dates, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus has never been subjected to “devaluation” in society. For new generations it has always been and will remain not only a symbol of loyalty to military duty and Belarusians’ resilience for freedom and independence.

We would like to inform you about "Research in Bavaria" 15.02.2021 We would like to inform you about "Research in Bavaria"
We would like to inform you about "Research in Bavaria", a new marketing initiative recently launched by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and Bavarian universities. The initiative targets young academics from all over the world, in particular potential doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers, as well as guest lecturers. We want to spark their interest in academic and scientific opportunities in the region, to put them in touch with their peers at Bavarian universities, and thereby promote international scientific exchange.

Both participation and winning are the main things in science 15.02.2021 Both participation and winning are the main things in science
Students of the Faculty of Business and Law majoring in law as well as graduates of 2020 in the speciality "Marketing" took part in the V International Competition of Student Scientific Works "BUSINESS, LAW, IT, AND INNOVATIVE SOCIETY", organized by the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technology, an autonomous non-profit organization of higher education (Omsk).

XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF BELARUSIAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX" was held at the Faculty of Economics. 15.02.2021 XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF BELARUSIAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX" was held at the Faculty of Economics.
On February 4-5, 2021, the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF BELARUSIAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX" was held at the Faculty of Economics.

Scientific articles written by the head of Health and Safety department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor V.N. Bosak 08.02.2021 Scientific articles written by the head of Health and Safety department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor V.N. Bosak
Scientific articles written by the head of Health and Safety department, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor V.N. Bosak in collaboration with leading foreign scientists have been published in prestigious world magazines included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

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