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International cooperation


A two-day visit of a delegation from the People's Republic of China to the leading agricultural university - the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy – ended on July, 10th.

Representatives of the Vocational and Technical College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University got acquainted with the Belarusian "pearl of agrarian education and science."

As part of the delegation, Li Xiaofei - representative of the Department of Ministry of Education; Cao Yuanqing - Secretary of the College Commission on Educational Work; Wu Guangyu - Head of the Department of Economics and Management; Wang Xi - Head of the Department of International Cooperation, postgraduate student of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy; Lew Yuwei - translator, visited the academy. The purpose of the visit of the Chinese delegation was to get acquainted with the Belarusian higher educational establishment. The parties established business contacts, and signed an agreement on the implementation of a joint educational programme under the "3 + 2 + 1" scheme.

The main part of the visit began in the morning of July 10 with a warm meeting in the small conference hall of the academy. Chinese friends were sincerely greeted by the rector of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy Vitaly Velikanov. The meeting was also attended by: A.V. Pashkevich - dean of the faculty of international relations and pre-university education; N.A. Glushakova - dean of the faculty of business and law; I.V.Shafranskaya - dean of the faculty of economics; N.A.Duktova - dean of the faculty of agricultural technology; N.I. Kudryavets - dean of the faculty of biotechnology and aquaculture.

Video presentations about the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and the Vocational and Technical College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University also helped to learn more about our educational institutions.

Guests from the Celestial Empire had a unique opportunity to get to know the oldest Belarusian agrarian university closer, visiting a number of faculties and departments, other unique structural divisions of the academy.

During the dialogue, the partners signed a bilateral agreement on mutual cooperation. The Chinese side thanked the administration of the BSAA for the friendly reception and invited the rector of the BSAA to visit their educational establishment. In memory of the meeting on the hospitable Gorki land, the participants exchanged gifts and souvenirs.

By the way, it should be noted that significant events took place in this geographical point of mutually beneficial Belarus-Chinese interests. These days marked the 30th anniversary of the institution of the presidency in our country. It was on July 10, 1994, when as a result of the second round of elections, Alexander LUKASHENKO became the first President of the Republic of Belarus. He got his second higher education at our academy, at the Faculty of Economics.

Thanks to the Belarusian national leader and his domestic and foreign policy, our independent republic has achieved steady success in its socio-economic development. This is once again confirmed by the fact that on July 4 Belarus officially became a rightful, 10th member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which includes such world powers as Russia and China.

Recently, the Belarusian-Chinese relations have reached the level of an all-weather and all-round strategic partnership. Their reliable guarantee is the Belarusian-Chinese dialogues in the field of education at the regional level between partner universities.


Photo: Alexander GURIKOV.

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