Participation in the XXIX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "Tibo-2023"
Lecturers of the Agrotechnological Faculty Aleksey Zhuravskiy, Denis Ramantsevich and Maria Zaitseva in April 2023 took part in the 19th international forum on information and communication technologies "Tibo-2023." Modern equipment in the field of digitalization of agriculture where presented. The stands of "precision farming" were very popular with visitors to the exhibition. The programme of digitalization of agricultural enterprises was of particular interest, as it is the basis in the digitalization of agriculture on the whole.
For the assistance in organizing the XXIX international forum on information and communication technologies "Tibo-2023," the team of teachers of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy was awarded a diploma for organizing the "Festival of Digital Technologies".
Agrotechnological Department.