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Happy Victory Day!


To the Team of the Belarusian State the Orders of the
October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner
Agricultural Academy

Dear friends, colleagues, dear veterans!

I think that for many Belarusians the approach of the main public holiday - Victory Day - especially in the Year of Peace and Creation causes particular anxiety and pain. It's because again, decades after the harshest in the history of mankind World War II, fighting battles are going on near our borders and peaceful people are dying...

When speaking at a requiem rally in Khatyn on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the tragedy of the Belarusian people, which was absorbed by the fate of the inhabitants of this small village, President Alexander Lukashenko said that "most of the countries of Western Europe fell under the banners of Hitler's Germany and world capital paid for this campaign. Today they impose sanctions against us, unleashed an economic and information war... Unfortunately, we can see on the example of neighboring countries, where modern neo-Nazism raised its head on the ruins of memory of the Soviet heritage and the Great Victory, on the wreckage of the destroyed monuments to the victorious soldiers. "

"If we forget the war, the war will come again." These words of the famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky sound like a mandate for more than one post-war generation. Yes, we are all united by Victory Day. It serves as an example of resilience, courage and heroism. It inspires peaceful creative work. This holiday is infinitely dear to the Belarusian people, who in the early morning of June 22, 1941 were the first to take a treacherous blow from the Nazis. Our people put every third resident of the republic on the Altar of Victory in the Great Patriotic War...

During the post-war period, more than one generation has grown up on the long-suffering land of our Motherland, which knows about the bloodiest and most ruthless war only from books, films and memories of living witnesses of those fiery years. But the river of human Memory, which slowly "flows its waters" to the fate of the peoples of the former USSR, does not allow Time to heal the wounds of war. In the days of May, this Memory collects thousands, and millions of people to memorials and monuments, to requiem rallies and processions. In order to remind the living in general grief for the dead, at what cost the world was saved from the "brown plague."

"In the heroic annals of Belarus there was no battle more brutal than the Great Patriotic War. There was no feat more significant than the feat of a Soviet soldier who defended his homeland from the enemy, "- this statement of President Alexander Lukashenko" knocks out trump cards" from those who heroize the Nazis and their accomplices, who worships the white-red-white flags under which the genocide of the Belarusian people was carried out...

Nowadays, Alexander Lukashenko said on March 31, 2023 in his Address to the Belarusian people and the National Council, "the ideology of fascism is turning into practice." And this is clearly visible in the events that are taking place in eastern Ukraine, which have become "a continuation of the policy of destroying all Russian." And it is already clearly seen "that on the horizon, as a result, the third world war with its nuclear fires has loomed..."

The collective West did not learn (or did not want to learn) from the history of the Second World War, and US nuclear strikes on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... The Nazis did not give up their desire to take revenge! But this will not happen! While the bells of Khatyn sound, the war on our land should not happen again!

Today, new generations of grateful descendants of liberators, whose names are carved on granite slabs of obelisks and memorials of military glory, are equal to the great Feat of the Soviet people. Our generation had great happiness to build a strong and independent Belarus under a peaceful sky, and take care of this fragile world!

Accept my sincere and warm congratulations on Victory Day and my wishes for peace, health, kindness, success, and prosperity.

Sincerely yours,

День Победы