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Обратная связь


The International Scientific and Practical Conference «Agrarian Entrepreneurship: History, Trends, Horizons of Development»

On April 11-12, within the framework of international cooperation, lecturers of the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy Elena Karachevskaya, head of the department of mathematical modelling of economic systems in the agro-industrial complex and Svetlana Shutova, senior lecturer of the Department of Agribusiness, took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Entrepreneurship: history, trends, horizons of development," which took place in Moscow, at the College of Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian State Agrarian K.A. Timiryazev University.

Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-astronaut of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. in economics Oleg Artemyev, and Soviet and Russian artist, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of Ulyanovsk State University Nikas Safronov addressed with a welcome speech.

Agricultural entrepreneurship in modern conditions is becoming one of the main links in the chain of objectively developing industrial relations in agro-industrial production, the development of which is associated with overcoming a huge number of difficulties, which, in turn, was reflected in the discussions at the conference.

In their speeches, representatives from BSAA conveyed a greeting from the rector of the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy Vitaly Velikanov.

We express our gratitude to the assistance of organizing full-time participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Entrepreneurship: History, Trends, Horizons of Development" to the Rector of the Academy V.V.Velikanov, Director of the College of Advanced Training and Retraining Personnel A.S.Chechetkin, and Head of the Department for International Cooperation S.A. Noskova.

Department of Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems of the Agro-Industrial Complex.
Department of Agribusiness.
Faculty of Economics.




