An outstanding woman, a well-known scientist and teacher in the field of economic science and education, doctor of economic sciences, professor, and diplomat Larisa Pakush celebrates her 80th anniversary on March, 9. The hero of the day is one of those graduates of the Faculty of Economics of our academy who create a high authority, and the image of their alma mater.
Today Larisa Pakush does not break the ties with her native academy - under her leadership, a council for the defense of dissertations works fruitfully, she works as a professor at the BSAA Department of Economic Theory, she performs all types of educational activities, and takes an active life position.
Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, graduate of the Academy Vladimir Gusakov says:
- Passionate and knowledgeable educators, which of course include Larisa Pakush, will always be an example of a responsible attitude to business, active civic position and breadth of interests. It is such persons who make up the golden fund of the nation, intellectual treasury of Belarus.
Larisa Vladimirovna, possesses outstanding organizational abilities which were clearly manifested during her work as the second secretary of the Gorki town committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, secretary of the Mogilev regional committee of the Communist Party (1983-1991), as the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997-2006). She has always been working at full strength and motivated her subordinates with her example.
In 2009-2016 L.V. Pakush was a Head of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations in the Agro-Industrial Complex. In 2016-2017 she was the Dean of BSAA Faculty of Economics. She proved herself to be a skillful and tireless organizer, a principled and demanding leader, a responsible performer, a talented scientist, a reliable colleague who is always ready to give a helping hand in difficult times.
Rector of BSAA Vitaly Velikanov notes:
- Knowing this amazingly easy-to-communicate, and charming woman, you never cease to wonder how the years turned out to be powerless before her. An encyclopedic mindset, iron logic, and a natural sense of humor distinguish her.
Larisa Pakush has been leading the council for dissertations defense from 2013 to the present time. Thanks to her responsibility for the entrusted business, her extraordinary efficiency, deep and diverse knowledge in the field of economic sciences, 26 dissertations were successfully defended in the council. Her limitless experience and scientific erudition, organizational abilities, integrity and persistence in achieving the set goals contribute to the training of economic profile personnel of the highest qualification. Each dissertation work Larisa Pakush reads several times, makes comments and wishes to applicants, suggests how to systematize the results of research. Thanks to it the novelty of the provisions submitted to defense is clearly outlined. It should be emphasized that Larisa Pakush has a scientific vision, she knows how to suggest the main thing, not yet fully studied, to support extraordinary proposals and conclusions.
It’s her important achievement that a scientific school of economists has been formed and is now actively developing. Under the supervision of L.V. Pakush, 6 applicants received academic degrees of candidate of economic sciences, and a number of graduate students and teachers of the academy are engaged in postgraduate studies with her.
The powerful intellectual, professional potential of Larisa Pakush activates the training of personnel at the academy, educates students, postgraduate students and young teachers. She still values live work most of all in teaching. According to the students of faculty of economics, she conducts lectures and practical classes at a high professional level, gives examples from her own life and work in the party, diplomatic, and pedagogical fields. Ensures that a lively dialogue at her classes appear.
Talking to Larisa Pakush, you understand that she feels well-deserved pride of the fact that during the educational process she took part in the training of young highly qualified specialists, many of whom later became famous, prominent statesmen, scientists, heads of enterprises, institutions and scientific divisions, and made a worthy contribution to the development of the national economy.
The successful implementation of scientific research and pedagogical developments in the training of highly qualified economic personnel for the national economy nominated L.V.Pakush to the ranks of the largest scientists known far beyond the borders of Belarus and earned her the well-deserved recognition and respect of colleagues, students, postgraduates and the whole pedagogical community of higher school.
Larisa Pakush is the most prominent and authoritative scientist among the economists of the country, who made a significant contribution to the study of the problems of Belarus' inclusion in the world economic relations, primarily in the scientific support of the development of international relations and foreign trade in the context of the formation of a post-industrial society and the specifics of integration processes in the EAEU and the CIS.
Natalya Kireenko, Head of the Department of Innovative Development in the Agro-Industrial Complex of BSATU, speaking about scientific research of L.V.Pakush, emphasizes:
- It's always science-based approaches, and innovative ideas, including solving problems in the fields of climate change, digital technology development, logistics, rural areas improvements and many more. Her proposals are aimed at developing agriculture and improving the well-being of our Belarusian people.
It should be emphasized that Larisa Pakush has always taken and takes an active life position. She takes part in the educational, scientific and social activities of the Faculty of Economics and the Academy.
Member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Elena Kolesneva notes:
- Larisa Pakush is not only a professional, but also a person of amazing qualities.
She is a humble, pleasant woman, with a charming smile and a radiant look. She invariably attracts everyone's attention, and after a couple of minutes of communicating with her, you understand that this person is ready to help, to support, give wise advice, help with word and deed. Everyone who has talked to her notes that she is a positive and interesting interlocutor. This allows her to maintain a conversation with any person, regardless of his position and title. And from the experience of the years lived, Larisa Pakush, with maternal kindness and care, gives wise advice to young people, the importance of which you realize only as time has passed.
In this way a simple girl, thanks to her talents and abilities, great hard work, went from a university student to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. At the same time, she remained sociable, smiling and accessible, ready to come to the rescue. Combined with intelligence, hard work and ingenuity, these became the staircase, leading her up.
Dear Larisa! Your life path is an example for current and future generations of faculty and academy students. We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, and creative longevity!
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Dean of BSAA Faculty of Economics
Photo: Mikhail LEVTSOV.
Newspaper "Goratskі vesnіk" No. 20, of 18.03.2023