A collection of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Postgraduates "Belarus in the Modern World: Goals and Values" dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory has been published
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2020 year is marked by the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory for all who honor the feat of the Soviet people, who defended the peace and independence of their native land in the most cruel and destructive war in the history of mankind. The Victory Festival is the greatest event that embodied the victory of good over evil, peace over war, life over death, humanity's desire for peace, friendship, brotherhood, the triumph of humanism, which laid the foundations of the modern world. For the purpose of formation of interest in national history, promotion of national values, studying invaluable experience of the Great Victory as spiritual basis of education of youth, the ІІІ International academic and research conference "Belarus in the modern world: goals and values" was held in May, 2020 by the department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Belarusian state agricultural academy. Students and postgraduates from educational establishments of Gorki, Baranovichi, Mogilev, Vitebsk, as well as from universities of Russia and Ukraine took an active part in the conference. The following sections worked in the framework of the conference:
Among the published reports there are some of particular interest: Heroes of the Dnieper. They liberated Dashkovka (V.V.Korsakov); Labour migration of youth: sociological analysis (K.S.Krivosheina ); Monuments in Gorki, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War (I.M.Vorontsov); The description of the Great Patriotic War in Vasyl Bykov's stories (A.І.Klimyankova); Formation of family values in the worldview of youth (E.O.Ryzhankova); The creative potential of a personality and the ways of its development (V.V.Stolyarova), etc. The electronic version of the collection is available on BSAA website.... |
Кафедра социально-гуманитарных дисциплин.