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The students of Business and Law Faculty Darya KUKHARCHIK and Elizaveta NIKOLAEVA won the International Competition of Students' Scientific Works "Legal Research-2020"

The students of Business and Law Faculty Darya KUKHARCHIK and Elizaveta NIKOLAEVA won the International Competition of Students' Scientific Works "Legal Research-2020", held at the Mogilev branch of the private educational establishment "Belarusian College of Law" from 01.04.2020 to 15.05.2020.

Our winners are the 3d year students, group 2, representing the speciality “Law”. Both Darya and Elizaveta were awarded the 1st degree diplomas. We cordially congratulate the girls on the high assessment of the results of their research work. We are greatly satisfied that D.Kukharchik and E.Nikolaeva confirmed the high title of students-researchers awarded to them in 2019 by order of the rector. We wish our students good health and further success in their studies and research.

We’d like to express our gratitude to the scientific supervisor of the winning students, the senior lecturer of the Department of General Professional and Special Legal Disciplines Andrey KUZMICH for preparing high-quality scientific works with the students.

Dean of Business and Law Faculty

Department of General Professional and Special Legal Disciplines


