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The contest of videoclips "Let’s congratulate veterans together"

The BSAA Center for Volunteer Activity, the Department of Educational Work with Young People, the Students’ Trade Union congratulate the winners of the contest of videoclips "Let’s congratulate veterans together":

1 place - Veronica Kuzmichuk, Faculty of Accounting 2-6, Alesya Saskevich, Faculty of Accounting 2-6, Ekaterina Chernaya, Faculty of Economics 1-5.

2 place - Arthur Temirov, Agronomy Faculty 2-6; Nikolai Berdychevets, Agronomy Faculty 1-1, Pavel Artemenko, Agronomy Faculty 1-1.

Your creative abilities make it possible to see your reverent attitude towards veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War and to feel sincere love for our Motherland.

We wish you all the best, happiness, well-being and new creative achievements!

M. Yasyukovich

 Head of the Center for Volunteer Activity.

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