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Обратная связь

The Second National Forum on Sustainable Development 27.06.2024 The Second National Forum on Sustainable Development
Among them there were representatives of the diplomatic corps, state bodies, public organizations, the business environment, the UN camp team, regional sustainable development groups, scientific institutions, youth, international organizations, and the media.

Congratulations on the scientific degree award 27.06.2024 Congratulations on the scientific degree award
Faculty of Economics and Department of Production Organization in the Agro-industrial Complex congratulates Konstantin Borel on the award of a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D.).

Сongratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus 27.06.2024 Сongratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus
On July 3, our country celebrates one of its main public holidays - Independence Day. This year it is painted with colours of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. It is celebrated throughout the republic on a truly nationwide scale.

The internship of Master students from Northwestern University of agriculture and forestry 04.06.2024 The internship of Master students from Northwestern University of agriculture and forestry
The Chinese Master students from the North-West University of Agriculture and Forestry have completed their three-months internship in the speciality "fruit growing".

BSAA - Inner Mongolia: a cooperation visit 03.06.2024 BSAA - Inner Mongolia: a cooperation visit
On May 29, the leading agrarian university of the country hosted the delegation of the Professional College of Business and Trade of Inner Mongolia, headed by the deputy director of the college, Chen Chunli.

Results of the essay competition «I want to be a diplomat» 10.05.2024 Results of the essay competition «I want to be a diplomat»
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus summed up the results of the essay competition «I want to be a diplomat». The competition was organized by the Club of Young Diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the National Center for Marketing and Price Study.

Participation of students from the Faculty of Economics in the VIII International Student Research Works Contest 19.04.2024 Participation of students from the Faculty of Economics in the VIII International Student Research Works Contest
The students of the Faculty of Economics under the guidance of their teachers from the department of production organization in the agro-industrial complex took part in the VIII International Contest of Student Research Works «Problems and prospects for the development of the region's economy in the conditions of instability».

A Visit to the People's Republic of China 15.04.2024 A Visit to the People's Republic of China
From March 22 to April 5, 2024, the dean of the faculty of international relations and pre-university education Alexander Pashkevich had a business trip to the People's Republic of China.

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