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Обратная связь

Testing of the "Uwrite" educational platform within the framework of the Summer School of Teachers 23.04.2021 Testing of the "Uwrite" educational platform within the framework of the Summer School of Teachers
С  21 по 25 июня «Юрайт» проводит 5-дневную летнюю школу для руководителей ВУЗов, преподавателей и сотрудников библиотек стран СНГ. В  ней можно участвовать как бесплатно (в качестве вольных слушателей), так и  платно (от 300 до 1000 рублей).

Scientific and pedagogical school: we’ve got the result! 22.04.2021 Scientific and pedagogical school: we’ve got the result!
Today there has been a pleasant news from the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus: the Council for dissertations defense approved the decision on awarding the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences to the postgraduate of the Department of large-scale animal husbandry and processing of livestock products Yuri Goncharik (first scientific supervisor M.V.Shalak , doctor of agricultural sciences, professor).

Meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Economics with students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Economics and Organization of Production in the Sectors of the Agro-Industrial Complex" 20.04.2021 Meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Economics with students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Economics and Organization of Production in the Sectors of the Agro-Industrial Complex"
On April 15, 2021, a meeting of graduates and students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Economics and Organization of Production in the Sectors of the Agro-Industrial Complex" was held at the Faculty of Economics. The meeting was attended by graduates of 2018 and 2019 N.V.Avkhutskaya and N.S.Vidasev, who currently work as chief economists in agricultural organizations.

Deputy of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus National Assembly Elena Kolesneva always tries to find time for communication with the BSAA team while working in her constituency. Colleagues of the people's representative always take the chance to ask guestions about the work of Belarusian parliamentarians on the main legislative acts.

Webinar of the National Library of Belarus 15.04.2021 Webinar of the National Library of Belarus
We invite scientists and researchers of BSAA to take part in the webinar of the National Library of Belarus on April 19, 2021. The participants will be provided  with detailed information about the publishing opportunities in leading open-access scientific magazines, with the main trends and prospects for the development of the open access movement.

The rector of the academy participated in the 14th meeting of the intergovernmental Tajik-Belarusian commission on trade and economic cooperation 13.04.2021 The rector of the academy participated in the 14th meeting of the intergovernmental Tajik-Belarusian commission on trade and economic cooperation
In the period from April 5 to 8, 2021, the rector of the academy Vitaly Velikanov joined the official government delegation to take part in the 14th meeting of the intergovernmental Tajik-Belarusian commission on trade and economic cooperation.

Assigning the academic title of professor 09.04.2021 Assigning the academic title of professor
According to the results of the examination in the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus on April 7, 2021, Vadim Vorobyev was awarded the academic title of Professor. Our congratulations to Vadim VOROBYEV, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Agrochemistry! We wish him further success!

Our Health is in our Hands! 08.04.2021 Our Health is in our Hands!
In order to form the needs and sustainable skills of a healthy lifestyle for student youth, as well as responsible attitude to their own health, the sports festival "Our Health is in our Hands!", dedicated to the World Health Day, was held in the sports complex of the BSAA on April 7, 2021.

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