тел/факс +375223378274
email: kancel@baa.by
Адрес: 213410,
Могилевская обл.,
г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
Обратная связь

The faculty trains specialists in the following specialities and specializations:


Language of training

Form of education

Period of training

Cost (USD)

6-05-0811-01 «Production of plant products» in the following directions:

  1. Bioengineering and digital technologies,
  2. Industrial horticulture and phytodesign,
  3. Organic farming and agroecotourism,
  4. Fruit and vegetable growing,
  5. 5. Agrochemistry and soil science,
  6. Selection and seed production,
  7. Biotechnologies in crop production.



4 years
5 years

2350 per year
1300 per year

6-05-0811-05 «Plant protection and quarantine»



4 years

2350 per year

List of documents required for admission:

  1. Certificate of education (or other document of education) with a list of studied subjects and marks (points) + translation into Russian, which must be notarized;
  2. Certificate of the preparatory department (if available);
  3. Birth certificate + translation into Russian, which must be notarized;
  4. Foreign passport + translation into Russian, which must be notarized;
  5. National passport + translation into Russian, which must be notarized;
  6. Six photos (size 3x4 cm);
  7. Medical Certificate:
  • a certificate confirming a negative HIV test result;
  • a certificate from a narcologist;
  • psychiatric certificate;
  • certificate of a dermatologist-venereologist.

All certificates must be written in Russian or translated into Russian and notarized.


The condition for admission is a successful interview in the Russian language