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Alexander Pashkevich

Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Pre-tertiary Education, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Dear friends!

Belarusian State Agricultural Academy belongs to the best world educational establishments. According to the statistics of the international top-rated agency “Expert PA” (RAEX) the BSAA is one of the best higher educational establishments among the CIS-countries in 2014.

Our graduates are proud of the academy’s diploma and value high European quality of education, excellent living and educational opportunities, unlimited possibilities for creativity and self-realization. At present more than 300 foreign citizens study at the academy.

The academy is rightly proud of the fact that the first President of the Republic of Belarus is Alexander Lukashenka a graduate of the academy.

The Belarusian state agricultural academy gives you a chance to become a successful personality and a highly paid specialist. The academy’s diploma has an international status and is recognized in most countries of the world.

Welcome to the academy of successful people!

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Факультет в социальных сетях:

Информационно-консультационный центр Министерства образования для иностранных граждан