Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA) hosted the opening meeting of the project Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus
From 27 November to 1 December Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA) hosted the opening meeting of the project Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus: BELL. Within the project representatives of four EU universities will share their knowledge and experience with Belarusian colleagues, thus developing and implementing distance learning as a part of lifelong learning.
The opening meeting was a unique opportunity for the project partners to meet each other, discuss different nuances and further implementation of the project, as well as to share ideas in light of the participants` experience in lifelong- and distance learning.
The project is aimed at development of lifelong learning and active use of distance learning tools in Belarus with aim to contribute to the development of regional labour market and establishment of lifelong learning among the participating Belarusian universities. The project is intended to be carried out within two years.
During the first year, with the advice and support of experts from EU partner universities, Belarusian universities will create five distance learning courses for lifelong learning: Law, Financial Affairs and Entrepreneurship, Information Technology, Energy and Saving Resources, and the English Language. Traineeship at EU universities will ensure transfer of knowledge to Belarusian universities. During the second year, the courses created within the first year will be offered to wider audience- students and other stakeholders willing to expand their knowledge and become more competitive on the labour market.
Eduard Pavlysh, representative of Polotsk State University, states that in addition to those results, one of the major achievements will be changed public attitudes towards lifelong learning- it could be considered as an important factor for career development after formal education.
Among the partners are six universities of Belarus- Brest State Technical University, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Polotsk State University, Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University, Masherov Vitebsk State University, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and four universities from the European Union- the University of Cadiz (Spain), Linnaeus University (Sweden), The Open University (UK), and Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia), the coordinator of the project.
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The project Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus: BELL (586278-EPP-1-2017-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) is being implemented with the financial support of EU programme Erasmus+. The envisaged project funding is 732 251, 00 EUR.