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Happy coming 2023!




I think I will say a banal thing: today's day that each of us has lived will not be a repetition of yesterday's day. And what if we measure these moments of History for years? Has everything from the planned for the outgoing year come true or happened? Has everything been accomplished? Let each of us answer this question for himself. And, I am sure, the answers will be different. But in one thing they will coincide. Belarus lived in 2022 under a peaceful sky, without social and political upheaval, and doing our day-to-day work. Fear of hunger and a cold winter are not looming over us. We have everything in abundance. This is perhaps one of the main achievements of socially oriented public policy. At the same time, one should not discount the fact that our Motherland, this "small piece of land in the center of Europe" is still a "donor" of peace and stability. Our people have exhausted the "limit" on revolutions and wars, President Alexander LUKASHENKO repeated more than once. Let me remind you what the Head of State said in his New Year address last year. "Looking back to the early 90s, we have a lot to be proud of. We have built a modern, stable and successful country. Contrary to the challenges of time, we confidently set new goals and move forward. " These words can be confirmed by each of us.

The Academy's team of many thousands worked throughout the outgoing year in a calm and stable atmosphere. We have continued doing our best to improve and strengthen the practice-oriented training of modern specialists. We've been actively engaged in research activities. We have strengthened our material and technical base. The boundaries of mutual international cooperation have been expanded. A "huge layer" of ideological work was aimed at creative labour and improving all its indicators. The role and importance of this work has recently become even more noticeable and effective.

The outgoing year was the Year of Historical Memory. It once again clearly showed that without respect for the past, for the traditions of the people, the country has no future, and each of us doesn't have it as well. So, we make a special emphasis on this in educative work, especially among the younger generation.

Seeing off the year of 2022 together with the whole country, let's wish that the new one, the year of 2023, will be even more generous with labor achievements and successes. So that all our plans and dreams will come true! So that the sky over our beloved Motherland will always remain peaceful! I wish everyone health, joy, good luck and optimism!

Happy New Year!

Sincerely yours,
