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email: kancel@baa.by
Адрес: 213410,
Могилевская обл.,
г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
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Table tennis competitions among organizations and enterprises were held in the Gorki district

The staff of the academy does not fall behind the academy's students. On November 21, the BSAA team took 1st place in the regional table tennis competitions among organizations and enterprises of the Gorki district.

The team of BSAA consisted of the following employees:

Ivan Gavrilov - senior lecturer at the Department of Technical Service and General Engineering Disciplines;

Alexander Gaidukov - Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Applied Informatics;

Olga Solomko - Associate Professor of the Department of Crop Production.

Congratulations and wishes of success in further competitions!

E.A. Plevko, Head of Department of Physical Education and Sports.

M.V. Lyzikov, Senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

