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Spiritual and moral education


On September 23, on the day of the autumn equinox, the International Scientific Conference on the topic "Orthodoxy in the Historical Fates of Slavic Peoples" was held within the walls of the oldest agrarian university of the Union State - BSAA. It was dedicated to the 1030th anniversary of Orthodoxy in the Belarusian lands and has become another "place of pilgrimage" of Orthodox believers to the gracious Gorki land.

To this day, documentary evidence has been preserved that in the Gory-Gorki agricultural school, the educational process was closely related to Orthodoxy. In the curriculum of the highest category of this educational institution in 1842 (take into consideration, that it was only two years after the school opening), the Law of God was among the disciplines to be taught. And the first graduates of the school, for example, P.I. Sokolov, L.I. Sakharov, V.M. Cheremshansky, N.M.Sibirtsev, later became teachers at theological seminaries in tsarist Russia.

As early as October 27, 1847, it was reported that the Emperor "approved a new plan for the stone church at the Gory-Gorki agricultural school in a reduced size against the previous one." It was proposed to start its construction in the spring of 1848. "The temple was built in imitation of Gothic architecture on the outside, but inside it is purely Orthodox, elegant," one of its contemporaries recalled. "Nikolaev Church," as the temple was called on the territory of the agricultural school, was rebuilt more than once. Currently, the "modernized" cult building houses an academic library - a real Temple of Knowledge. And not far from the former church, in the years of independent Belarus, a new Temple was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "the Wrangler of Loaves."

Currently, Orthodoxy in the fate of many Slavic peoples is going through difficult times. This was discussed at the International Scientific Conference. One of its participants, Emil Milanov, chairman of the International Slavic Society of Bulgaria, after his speech handed Alexander Chechetkin a diploma and a badge. In his homeland, Emil Milanov heads the international Slavic community, which is called "Perun." According to Slavic mythology, Perun is not only the god of thunder and lightning, but also the patron of warriors.

The mentioned diploma signed by Emil Milanov says that Alexander Chechetkin is awarded for special merits in the development and establishment of the Slavic idea, good and fraternal relations between the Slavic peoples.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus B.V.Gryzlov drew attention to the role of Orthodox traditions in the Union State.

yudmila and Lena GONCHAROVS.



