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Happy day of knowledge!


To the team of the Belarusian State
Agricultural Academy

Dear friends!

These days, the leading agricultural university of the country, the winner of the Government Prize in Quality, lives in a tense rhythm. On September 1, the first bell will ring across the country, inviting you to the amazing Land of Knowledge.

This holiday, as well as the tradition of celebrating it with solemn meetings and congratulations, is one of the favorites of the Belarusian people. And this is far from accidental. The Republic of Belarus according to the Human Development Index is one of the most developed countries in the world and has the best indicator among the CIS countries. According to the Education Index, our country is ranked 32nd in the world. And for such an indicator as "Access to basic knowledge" we hold 17th position among 163 countries.

I gave these figures in order to emphasize the opportunities and advantages of obtaining education that have been created in the republic, and make this social sphere one of the attractive in the world educational space.

Among many generations of Belarusians, the day of September 1 is associated with bright beginning of an amazing, sometimes difficult, path to the world of new knowledge. It is not for nothing that the great Alexander Pushkin exclaimed: "How many wonderful detections make ready by enlightenment’s heart!" Thus, making it clear that the desire for knowledge is nothing more than the key to a successful, creative and interesting life. After all, only an educated person is able to understand that knowledge is an investment not only in himself and in his family, but also, in the future of our beloved Motherland.

I wish the participants of the educational process - teachers, students, employees of all structural divisions of the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy - good health, success in work and study, confidence in their strength. So that this Day always remains a holiday permeated with a sense of gratitude for the acquired knowledge.

My special wishes to our freshmen. You chose one of the best universities in the country. Let the years of study become not only vivid unforgettable pages in your life, but a successful start in your personal career as well. The successful "ascent to the heights of knowledge" depends on your diligence and hard work. And all the conditions for this have already been created for each of you by the state. Do not miss this opportunity!

Happy upcoming holiday - The Day of Knowledge!

Sincerely yours,
Vitaly Velikanov
Rector of BSAA