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About 120 students of BSAA help to harvest in Mogilev and Vitebsk regions

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About 120 students of the faculty of mechanization of agriculture of the Belarusian state agricultural academy help to harvest in Mogilev and Vitebsk regions. The dean of the faculty Vladimir Gusarov told about it.

"This year students of 1-3 years of education – about 120 people in total - has gone to help the agricultural organizations. Our guys are engaged in various work: from a mechanic to a combine operator assistant. So, for example, several our first-year students who have tractor driver certificates went to Glussk district in CJSC "BNBK". It is far area; the guys are not from Glussk. Therefore, it's not only professional experience, but also their opportunity to change scenery, to try independent life away from home", – Vladimir Gusarov noted.

Helping farms during sowing and harvesting is a long tradition in the agricultural academy. "Every year our guys go to work in the fields. So, they not only gain experience, but can also earn extra money during the holidays before the new school season. This is a serious help, - he said. - Our students participate both in sowing and harvesting. During these periods, hands are always needed. And the help of students is a significant contribution to an important business for the whole country".

As Vladimir Gusarov said, every year a large number of applications from agricultural organizations are received by the Academy: "We receive requests from agricultural organizations to send students for help annually more than we have guys. This suggests that such help is in demand and relevant both for enterprises that receive additional personnel for the season and for the students themselves. We choose the best options for the guys. We carefully make sure that they are provided with everything necessary".

There is another advantage in such close cooperation between the academy and agricultural enterprises. During the training, students can get to know various farms from the inside. And if the student liked the place of work, and the management liked the new employee, after graduation he could come there to work.

The Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization was formed in 1947.


Source: Mogilev Region Executive Committee Web-Site, dated 22.07.2022