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email: kancel@baa.by
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г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
Обратная связь


The New Joint Educational Programme with PRC

On July 5, 2022, an Agreement was signed on the implementation of a joint educational programme for the training of specialists at the first and second stages of higher education in the 3 + 3 format between the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy and the Heilongjiang Agricultural Vocational College (PRC).

To implement this Agreement, the parties will organize joint training in the specialties 1-74 02 03 "Plant Protection and Quarantine" and 1-74 03 01 "Zootechny"

Joint educational programmes with foreign partners are a perspective area for the export of educational services. Students from People's Republic of China who have entered as part of cooperation with the Kunming Metallurgical College (Yunnan Province, PRC) are already studying at our academy. This type of international activity will be developed in BSAA in the future.

Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education





