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email: kancel@baa.by
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Our congratulations to the winners of an international competition

From June 27 to July 1, the III international multi-genre competition "LetoStar in Georgia - 2022" was held in Tbilisi. It was attended by 2,100 contestants from China, the Czech Republic, the USA, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Poland, the Netherlands and the Republic of Belarus. Two our famous artistic teams represented the Cultural Centre of the Academy at this prestigious competition. Their vivid performances were highly appreciated by an authoritative international jury, chaired by choreographer, director, Doctor of Theater Arts, head of the choreographic department of the Tbilisi State College of Traditional and Modern Art named after Sergo Zakariadze - Tinatin Koiava.

- "SkyFall" Contemporary Dance Studio. Diploma of the laureate of the I degree in the nomination "Choreography. Modern dance. " Head: Svetlana Freidina.

- Folk amateur group of the Republic of Belarus, vocal and instrumental ensemble "Resonance." Diploma of the laureate of the I degree in the nomination "Vocal and instrumental music (ensemble)." Head: Vladimir Freidin.

In addition to diplomas, team leaders received certificates for invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, support for talented youth, productive work and active participation in the international competition "LetoStar in Georgia - 2022."

We sincerely congratulate our laureates, wish them health, success and new creative peaks!

Irina Yakovleva
Head of the Center for Students Art

